Mass Effect Game Over Stories: Chapter 1

Hell he met stranger ones as c-sec on the citadel. it was a tricky operation, one he wasn't used to. they couldn't hurt the colonists but they had to get passed them to get to the thorian.

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 4: Pilgrimage

She was getting harassed by an asshat c-sec officer. he was a turian, and a cocky one at that. asshole even had the gall to start hitting on the poor girl, and that was right after he threatened her with arrest!

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Freelancers, Chapter Thirteen

I recognize you from security cameras all over zakera ward and i scanned your dna already, which matches what c-sec has on file from all your previous arrests." he winced and stopped resisting. "okay, fine. what do you want?"

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Midline Shift 24 - A Clash of Blades

The two men nodded calmly now terrified of the c-sec officer's power, who walked over forcing them to drop their blades and cuffed them both separately.

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Galaxy On Fire - Chapter 4

I was able to get out of the hospital because when you have a krogan making a path for you, not even c-sec security wanted to deal with it inside a hospital. they let me check out with korr and flarn standing behind me.

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Midline Shift 2 - A Vagrant Among Many

The same office that james had sat in was still occupied by its owner, as dahnus resumed working on case reports while also noting to the side an email to send to zakera ward's c-sec division.

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Midline Shift 44 - The Bloodless Commander

"i told you, i'm not asking from c-sec. i'm asking from my heart.

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Three days leave

c-sec. my father. what he'd think of me going into my training as a specter, after all this time. you." "me?" i asked, wiggling my feet in lazy circles in the air.

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Freelancers, Chapter Five

Went from here to the citadel and tried to turn himself in to c-sec for something he did here, but since omega's not under their jurisdiction, they couldn't charge him with anything. looks like they turned him loose and he came back here."

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Freelancers, Chapter One

And c-sec wouldn't stop harassing me. i was living in a turian shelter and finally realized that i'd never get out of there unless i tried something drastic." "i know how that feels." chula patted lia's shoulder again.

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Mass Effect: Blowing Off Steam

My work at c-sec, what happened with sidonis..." garrus sighed and he seemed to lose all pretense of confidence as he lowered his gaze from shepard's. "i want something to go right. just once. just..."

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