Sent Kobold Chapter 8: Library's Seal
Mirines spoke as she checked her armor, "i've got about half of my own spells left, the most useful is probably being able to use a dimension hop and get onboard their ship, but only if they get really, really close, but it's a lot better than trying to get
Lost Legend of Agrok ch. 6
Now let's get back to the bussiness of killing this dimension hopping vermin." "agreed, though i will say, you gryphons have the right of it when dealing with foes like this.
The Ominous Omnibus - Story Commission
" - - - - - - the skimmer had four seats, and when renfrew was eventually satisfied that the time-travelling dimension-hopping nudists weren't going to spread contagion or mass hallucinations to the general populace, they were allowed to return to the colony
Snowblind: The Full Novel
Maybe nat was right- her dimension hopping creatures may have returned for their ship, and taken over a body for use. these weird creatures could easily be explained that way.
Epiphany Part 1
I can dimension-hop a little easier than you can, even from acheron. and afterwards, i can check the unworld for any traces of these lost souls... little arcy can search from above, and i'll search from below."
Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers
Even sold us the tech to dimension hop ourselves. for a small price of course." "technomancy was part of my training back on dis. i can help you rebuild. tell me, what realm is this?" tatsu asks as he is eating fruit jelly. "red twilight 00-47-87-00."