Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 34: The Reason (Places Both Known And Unknown Part III)**
Day 65 (The forests between World Four and World Five)
"Ida!!! Where are you?!"
"...Corey this is a bad...
Adventure, Another Perspective, Bear, Betrayal, Ejaculation, Everything Has Changed, Horse, Humans, Humor, Indecent Suggestion, Kissing, Lioness, Long, Masturbation, Meeting, Mongoose, Mystery character, Point of View, Prototypes, Rhino, School, Trap, Werewolf, Wolves, Writing Assignment, discussion, fossa, project, resolution, spy, study
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
Chapter 1: Welcome To The End Of The World
Day 1089 (December 31st, Year Of Empire 033)
I waited in that closet like a coward as the empire I had known for close to three years crumbled around me. I heard...
Aardwolf, Art Galleries, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Bull, Concussion, Conflagration, Coyote, Dark, Death, Demon, Desperation, Destruction, Doppelganger, Dragon, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Fear, Humans, Lioness, Long, Mongoose, Otter, Phantom Cascade, Possession, Serial, Story Series, Unconscious, despair, orangutan, prototype, swearing
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 27: The Future We Lost**
February was turning out to be a bad month for all in the lost city do to the constant breaches by the roaming monsters who were looking for quick and easy meals during the...
Attacks, Bear, Death, Everything Has Changed, Extreme Danger, Fear, Fondling, Gore, Grief, Groping, Horror, Horse, Humans, Kissing, Licking, Lioness, Masturbation, Mongoose, Regret, Rhino, Short, Threat, Tragedy, Unrest, Very Dark, Werewolf, defense, exhaustion, flamethrower, loss, monsters, prototype, snoring, sucking, triad
The Story Thus Far:
Nearly three months after the cataclysm that befell Worlds 1- 5, its survivors are starting to miss the High Evolutionary and his empire. Sure it wasn't perfect but it provided stability, order, prosperity (for some) security and...
Bathing, Bear, Everything Has Changed, Examination, Fear, Gargoyle, Horse, Humans, Humor, Lioness, Lizard, Mongoose, Mortal Kombat Reference, Night Creatures, Plant, Re-spawning, Regeneration, Rhino, Short, Totally Utterly Screwed, Werewolf, Wounding, attack, burial, confrontation, eyeballs, mauling, monsters, prototype, resolution, swearing, terror
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 7: Shadows Born From A Dying Light**
Day 11 (2:52 AM)
"Very interesting mistress, that does look like Rumble, but it isn't him." I said studying the images from the probe.
"How so Alex?"
Badger, Bear, Check-up, Communal Bathing, Completely Screwed, Death, Desperation, Discovery, Everything Has Changed, Exploration, False Transformation, Fear, Gore, Horror, Humans, Humor, Long, Mission, Nudity, Orgasm, Rat, Skunk, Tiger, Trapped, creatures, despair, hide and seek, lair, monsters, peril, prototype, spying, terror, werewolves
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)**
Day 204 (Continued)
"Well I have been brought full circle." I said looking around the mesa.
"How?" The she ninja asked following me.
"Alex was on his way...
A Whole New World, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Cheetah, Creature Encounters, Donkey, Everything Has Changed For The Better, Exploration, Forest, Full Circle, Future King, Mongoose, Paradyne Shift, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Reunions, Short, Spacebridge, StarGate, Very bright, fauna, first contact, lake, mesa, mudman, prototype, spring hare, uplifting
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 22: What She Saw (You Win Everyone Else Loses Part IV)**
Day 31: (1:10 AM Aard Woods)
"Feeling better Shakara?" The little mongoose boy asked.
"A little." The lioness responded hugging Corbin and...
Aardvarks, Abduction, Alien, Bad Touch, Centaurs, Cuddling, Dissection, Epiphany, Everything Has Changed, Examination, Fear, Hugging, Humans, Husky, Kissing, Lioness, M/F, Massage, Mongoose, Nudity, Pending Rape, Shock, Side Quest, Snuggling, UFO, Very Long, Violated, awe, creepy, crying, experimentation, fundoshi, imprisonment, panic, realization, swearing, terror, triceraton
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 53: I Think I Am Going To Like It Here (Acceptance Part II)**
**_You're welcome. Little man?_** The she monster started to say reading my thoughts as I experienced another vivid vision:
_No! Stay...
Alternative Life, Awakening, Bears, Capture, Centaur, Communal Bathing, Communal Sleeping, Conception, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Foreplay, Hugging, Humans, Kama Centra, Lion, Long, M/F/M, Massage, New Mission, Oral, Pedophile, Plot Progression, Possession, Possum, Red Panda, Sergal, Slavery, Transformation, Vision, harpy, interview, nudists, sales, shimmer, triad
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 56: Caught In A Web Of My Own Intentions (Conclusion)**
Day N/A (A abandoned office building in World Four)
Ok. so there is a resistance movement against ONE in World Four. I secretly wondered if...
Another world, Anteater, Bathing, Bush Dogs, Caprine, Cookout, Crocodile, Cuddling, Dingoes, Enslaved, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Fox, Groundhog, Kangaroo, Long, Massage, Mustelid, Otter, Pangolin, Panther, Patients, Plot Progression, Possession, Pudus, Punishment, Shish kabob, Story within a story, community service, harpy, marble fox, mooning, mountain lion, recruitment, reward
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 57: My Place In This World Part I**
Evening: (six hours after ONE ruined the World Four Cookout.)
"We are going hunting?! But, but master!"
**_No YOU are going hunting._** The entity said reading...
Abject Failure, Ambush, Anteater, Dark, Death, Dingoes, Disaster, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Extreme Plot Progression, Humourous, Hunting, Irrational Exuberance, Kangaroo, Lizard, Night Creatures, Otter, Outburst, Pain, Pangolin, Panther, Punishment, Reconstruction, Revulsion, Something Is Wrong, Spider, Totally Utterly Screwed, argument, attack, construction, electrocution, enslavement, harpy, monsters, reward, suffering
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 48: An Another World (The Other World Part III)**
Day N/A (I am an Other.)
The synoptic went to check on the status of its vessels after the failed rescue attempt by Lady Ursa and Sir Ram. The orc...
Another world, Attempted Escape, Bear, Bull, Buzzard, Capture, Communal Bathing, Completely Utterly Screwed, Death, Deer, Detainment, Dog, Entity, Ermine, Everything Has Changed, Foreplay, Giraffe, Groping, Hippo, Horse, Humans, Interspecies, Kissing, Living Doll, M/F, M/M, M/M/F, Mandril, Masturbation, Nudity, Oral, Orcs, Orgasm, Others, Possession, Ram, Sharks, Wrestling Match, ass grab, computer, dhole, enslavement, triad
They say war never changes, but from aaron geischer lecturing us on how warfare was during the first great war to actually living the battle, i can definitely tell you that everything has changed.
"achtung, panzer rolling over them, kamerads."
Blood, Death, Fox, Military, Weapons, Wolf, scream, tanks