The End: Chapter 18: The Lingering Question.

Of course, i never suspected my mom and dad of foul play- even though looking back at it now, i should have.

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 10

So far, police say that there has been no sign of foul play. however, chief of staff kaminski is the second member of the cartwright administration to die this month.

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Preperation for tommorow

I would feel safer wid me making sho dere no foul play, yo can count on me mon" "i thank you friend" "if dats all mon, ill be leavin" and so the troll left for his own tent it was dark and the moon shone like a pearl and the stars looked like small droplets

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 15

Bianca continued to investigate the records she had been given access to concerning the investigation into the foul play at the vulpacha mansion.

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Mercedes DiFavian's Background - Beginning pt.1

I sniffed around just to be certain, and only when partially convinced of no foul play, did i go in for the kill.

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Breakfast Bound

. \* **_come around my office_** **_during the lunch hour_** i clutch my phone still as i round the corridor and see his damn non-descript among the row, that nothing could indicate that any kind of foul play is going on, when i walk over to

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Caught in the Storm: 1 (Redo)

Currently, there is no evidence of any sort to determine murder weapons, method of foul play, nor the motives that the assailant, or assailants, had. also, according to the reports, the body was found recently and shows evidence of decay months prior.

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Part of him was beginning to suspect foul play. the rest of him didn't care. a heavy paw landed abruptly across his behind, buttocks quivering under the impact.

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Project Phantasm chapter 1

Only when eric finally laughed and said, "big mistake," did he realize foul play, but it was already too late. valdama choked and heaved as the poison he ingested coursed through his veins, the form of the fox dissolving into non-existence.

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My first Story request!

"i think there's been some foul-play. get in the jeep, we're running out of time!" bill said, leaping over the passenger seat and slamming down into the passenger seat of the black wrangler.

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Gym Leader Challenge

Din had used this sort of foul play before, turning a stronger fighter's strength against them. an overeager leap let din hook his arm around the gym leader's neck putting them face to face.

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Lost in Dark Waters

Above, she is later reported as missing by her family with the assumption of foul play and drug abuse, but no solid evidence ever surfaces.

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