Hypnos Academy: Year 2 Profiles

Sierra heindell (see-ay-rah hain-dehl) age: 33 gender: female species: mouse hair/fur color: silver with grey fur teaching style: easygoing, but strict when a child is misbehaving favorite student: skye least favorite student: train sexual

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The Dragondog

The fur on my head is grey too, and i like to keep it short and spiked, my ears are canine with blue on the inside and grey fur on the outside. !

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A Summer in Winter

His heart was pounding furiously against his chest as he searched anxiously around his surroundings for the grey-furred wolf in his dreams. he wasn't there. "huh?" cal groaned, opening his eyes.

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Stormy Weather (Var. 1 - NSFW)

He let out a soft sigh and stared down at the small head of grey fur still enraptured with the cartoon playing over the tv, his white tipped fingertips slowly tracing through the little fox's bellyfur.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 2 - Protector

He shouted at the grey furred feline. "boo hoo. i just said an inconvenient truth that needed to be told." she reached under gabumon's pelt to grab the four headed dragon statue.

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Chapter 1: An Average Day

Talzin yawned and felt an itch all over his grey fur. _i needed a bath_, he noted. he then grabbed some bath supplies, spare set of clothes, heavy blaster pistol, and his wakizashi.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 11.001

The one place that stood as a beacon of light against the waves of grey fur. jax' eyes still darted around the city, desperately looking for a way that he could help out, but then he glanced at the back gate.

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The Aftermath and The Confusion

Her tan and grey fur was sticking up all over the place and she looked as if she hadn't slept in days. "get ready to go," she commanded, sounding far off. "mmmph," i grumbled, "go where? i just woke up!" "we're going shopping.

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The Virgins' (Almost) Perfect Evening

After trying to hold it back for several seconds, a single drop of cum drips down from my feline penis, followed by a much more powerful spurt into his grey fur.

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An Applauding Transformation

The only thing i had on that wasn't shredded was my own grey fur and the mascots jersey. if it were possible to blush through grey fur, i would have.

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Spring and Fall: To A Grown Woman

The kid stood there shyly for a moment, then ducked her little grey-furred head and held her paws behind her back. "hi." "hi," mary said. she did her best to keep her tone level. "what do you want?" "why are you doing that?" "doing what?"

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The Rebels of Gaia References

. - colton steelspike- he has dark grey fur with his hair being the same color, as it's slicked back with grease.
