A Kiss Beneath the Mistletoe

Her tail coiled around so that the sprig of mistletoe was hanging over their heads. femzy purred, looking up at it and then smiling. "well, if that's what the tradition is, i don't want to disappoint..."

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Experience: Opening Up (Part One)

His genitals were now fully exposed as they dangled out between his well-muscled legs, large bull like testicles with a think member hanging over them.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 3: Crush and Burn

When tama returned with the other bottle the original owner won't need anymore, a new monster was already hanging over me from behind, softly purring in my ear: "i will protect you better, master."

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Bani Lore Kit Redfield!

One being brought down by kit and who lay buried on a mountain, with his head hanging over its side and spewing hell lava from its maw.

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The Cliff.

He slowly lowers himself, sitting on the edge of the cliff carefully, slender, bony legs hanging over the edge. "...when it has gone." a new voice finishes for him, again male. "hello, rhythm."

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Be immersed (story) (the attack)

over your shoulder that weighs about 6lbs on your left hip a shotgun and on your right hip a five-seven pistol. in your hands is your weapon of choice, a scar-h. your attack plan is simple, you'll be parachuted from above, skylar will take position on an

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A Noir- Prolouge

It's not the darkness, nor the gray solemn streets; it's more like a dismal spirit hangs over this city. i should know, as a detective i was always knee deep in the murder that happens in this godforsaken place.

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'A Birthday Treat'

-w- she groans softly as she flopped her whole body back on the bed... her muzzle hanging over the edge. **(pup)** :3 "you need to blow out the candles for your special day!!"

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After a Swim

The bull turned away and bent over the bench at the end of the stall, pressing his chest to it and letting his legs hang over the end.

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No Fur No Fun PT. 15 Night

I made it through christmas eve but as i cleaned up with my mom the only thing that was on my mind was how brad was now a problem hanging over my head. i now see that something amazing and terrible had happened.

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Echo Fanfic: Christmas Megaparty

"i dunno, i think you're way too passive on these folks" heather chimed in, "you should hang over clint, like a helicopter." clint snorted.

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Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)

, a finger hanging over the 'commit to navigation' button on his console.

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