Chapter Twenty One - The Truth About Amper

She's been here for not even a day and she's already on my bad side and electra's hit list... i could tell from the start that this furret being here wouldn't work out... i sighed as i let go of electra and walked out of the room.

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"i'm honored to have made your hit list." "you should be." the fox knelt and delicately held kanno's chin, tilting his head back until their eyes met. and then he grasped the lion's mane with a fist.

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Character Sheet - Andareil / K3

Andareil is his master and he'll die before she does or set out to kill everyone on her hit list if he fails. history: built as a cargo hauler for a military troop transport at the end of a stupid war, k3-ntt-0356z did not see much actual use.

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Castle Guard Part Five

So it only a matter of time before he strikes you and your men are on his hit list. once he gets me out of the way he coming after you guys. so your getting out of this kingdom to some place safe.

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Chapter 8 - Showdown in Downtown! The Legend of the Fire Dragon and the Worthy Blacksmith! (Part 3)

The ground shattered under their feet, the dry earth being left even more damaged as they stormed over to a city on their hit list, "ok guys. once we get in there, leave no survivors. no matter what, even if you plan on keeping a few as pets.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twelve.

Or be on their hit list. "how did they find out though? i mean marco walks around wolfish all the time but we keep the curtains shut and it's not like he goes around howling at the moon."

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Getting Geared Up

That was the reason i always did what i could to keep it from adding my name to its hit list. finally feeling as though i had a strong grasp on what i would do next, i headed back to town.

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Getting Geared Up

That was the reason i always did what i could to keep it from adding my name to its hit list. finally feeling as though i had a strong grasp on what i would do next, i headed back to town.

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A Scaly Companion

Those shorts were next on sion's hit list. with the fabric being tougher, he attacked the holes again, bringing his claws to tear lines into them, doing more carving than ripping this time around.

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Unwinding After Work

His stomach was next on the rex-ass' hit list. flint hissed yet again as he felt his cheeks part around the sizable orb he had gifted the feline with.

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The Rescuers Require Rescuse

Tibalt already knew that he had questioned if something had happened to him since the beginning, and that meant that he was likely on their assimilation hit list.

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The Rescuers Require Rescuing

Tibalt already knew that he had questioned if something had happened to him since the beginning, and that meant that he was likely on their assimilation hit list.

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