The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 2

Corbin looked at mike, quickly focusing on the spider behind the werewolf, whose carapace was as large as a semi truck, and it's abdomen the size of a small hot-air balloon. he froze, bug-eyed. -.-' "why're you staring at me like that?" mike asked.

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Terra's BIG Day

He called out, to which the lizard gave him a confused look for as much as she was able, before nodding, again barely able to, and raising herself up, crushing her back through the ceiling, but also raising her now nearly hot air balloon sized breasts up.

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Kinktober 2018, Day 27 - Pop Goes the Anteater

Ada let go of the valve as adamios swelled larger and larger, the size of a hot air balloon as he rose above the level of the clearing's trees with only the mask holding the hose to his face keeping him tethered.

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Gasman - Part 2 - Spread the News

The lion patted himself down and tensed, his body blowing outwards like a hot air balloon. the clothes held firm, so they were good enough to go outside in.

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Kazufox Interview #8

~a hot air balloon lands right in front of kazufox~ \*kazufox\*: \*phew\* that was close. oh crap it's the james from team rocket... \*james\*: ah ha ha ha haa! that's right! \*meowth\*: that's my line!

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Affections to Sustain You

But a few weeks ago, a hot air balloon had drifted over and dropped some charges. some bombs. something.

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Surviving A One Night Stand

It was overwhelming but not surprising, given the circumstances; what else could you expect when you're trapped in a condom the size of a hot air balloon pressed against a dick bigger than a freight train car?

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Above Average Part 11.

Each of alan's pairs of briefs had such a massive pouch in the front that, as they lay on the floor, they looked more like deflated hot air balloons than they did articles of clothing. "ah-hah!"

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A New Kind of Treat

Most figured it was a hot air balloon or perhaps some flashy advertisement. their confusion gave way to astonishment as a living, breathing creature soon stood astride of the city's suburbs.

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