Another Closet Case

Like almost every second Monday of the month, I spent a good portion sleeping in while Daniel got ready for work. Like clockwork, he'd be careful not to be too loud dressing himself, getting showered...

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Water Closet Trolling

_Water Closet Trolling_ "Rotten sniveling little backwashed dog-trash lazy stupid ugly . . . ASS!" Ledding's voice echoed off the whitewashed walls of the station and clean linoleum floors. He ascended the stairs and looked around the main...

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Out Of Mother's Closet

Vanir stepped into the house with his ears held back against his head and did his best to keep his face from showing just how upset he was. He knew if he came home looking upset, his brother would be all too happy to pick at it, which was exactly what...

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Monsters in my Closet

Her daddy had always told her that there was nothing in the closet that could hurt her. well, daddy was wrong. 08/13/11 23:47:56 jack qualles: the two monsters double-teaming the poor girls holes grunted and panted as they plowed her.

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the closet is made for cloths

The closet is made for cloths a furry novel By antmaster Chapter one Hush!! It's a secret "Ring, ring!" a loud voice blared in Zach's...

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Thorne's secret closet

The room felt its door open, it feels the presence of its masters and another unknown being, it is been many weeks since its portal has been entered, the room wonders what it's masters are going to do amongst its fold. "This is so cool! I wonder why...

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Living Conditions

All this time and he finally has a reason for troy's ass-hattery... he was so far in the closet he needed moth balls just to survive. reggie needed to help him, maybe helping troy see the reality of who he was might get him to lighten up...

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Fenris' Inferno Chapter 2: Ring

Notes from Johnny Cochran: Dear reader, this story is copyrighted to my client, Fenris Lupin, and is under my protection so do not copy or redistribute this without his permission, Thank you,, and have a good day. Authors Notes: Thank you Mr....

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Closet Love Chapter 3

The alarm clock went off all too soon. I made sure to set it this time so I wouldn't be late for school. I hit the alarm and sit up in bed. Luckily my member had gone back to sleep in it's sheath. Throwing a pair of jeans and my favorite shirt, a...

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The Ballad of Phillip: Chapter 2

I'm still in the closet remember", i said. "it's okay. i'm not going to be like those other guys. i'll wait for the public date stuff until you're ready", aaron said.

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JTB ch5: Crossroad

It was that hot time of year where high school students no longer need to wear blazers as part of their uniform. My school has been all fired up for the upcoming sports festival. But I was completely uninterested, so all there was for me to do was...

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The painful yearning

* * * I awoke, confused at the golden sunlight on my face. The daze faded as my mind gradually rebuilt the previous hours. The provisions were ready, the children were in bed, and I stood outside my friend's house at the edge of the village. Before I...

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