A Feline Problem

. "_...each tablet of felinexaline contains lactose and may cause symptoms if you are lactose intolerant. discuss this with the prescribing physician to make sure that felinexaline is suitable for you..."_ doug huffed.

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A Chance Encounter (RP with HijinCybrin)

Are you lactose intolerant or vegetarian by any chance?" * * * ## alone. (cybrin)08/08/2018 ''nope.'' he chuckled. ''when's dinner?'' * * * ## rockysavannah08/08/2018 "um, this is dinner.

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Gym Buddy - Part 1

Lee gave out a small hiss, "i'm lactose intolerant." ralph cringed in empathy and said, "oh, that sucks. but there's plenty of lactose free stuff out nowadays. they're just a tad more expensive." "oh!"

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Miranda Fox: A Christmas Pop-Song

"he's not lactose-intolerant, is he?" "no." "ok. we got 2%?" "no." "whatever, there's an acmerite just a block away. be back in about half-an-hour! ow! hey, that ain't loaded with yer mom's..."

Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 7

Didn't his mommy say once that big lions were lactose intolerant? the stomach pains came back again. maximilian whimpered, feeling his legs squatting of their own accord. he felt tears in his eyes as he tried to hold it in.

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Ms. Schafer's Family 1 - 2

"be-cause...i'm lactose-intolerant?" "breast milk doesn't have any lactose in it, sweetie." sarah felt her stomach turning again in an instant as she bolted up off of the couch and stood over annabelle, glaring. "you're joking.

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Coming of Age

The others had similar fare save for vaahn, who for the last year or two had begun to show signs of lactose intolerance and so had fruit juice instead. he paused, cookie half way to his mouth, and considered becci's question, "i don't know yet.

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Gryphon’s Pride 1-2

I mean i'm a little lactose intolerant but i take something.for that. when did you learn to cook?" ariana asked, the civilized pastime of culinary arts seeming at odds with the large beast in front of her. "oh a century almost two ago.

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Lykos: Alpha Rising 2

I hope you're not, like, lactose intolerant or something... i should've probably asked you beforehand." "oh god, i..."

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Lugo: One for the Birds

And lugo forgot kioga's lactose intolerance pills. "god damn it!" lugo roared, punching his steering wheel again, then countersteering as he nearly hit a compact car.

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Pinewoods: Leo & Mike, part 4

Lizards like him were naturally lactose intolerant, and the gallon of milk would wreak terrible havoc on his guts--just as it was intended. "and you taste... dirty." leo gave mike an exhausted grin, flicking his tongue out over the deer's nose.

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 6

I was lactose intolerant before this happened, so i can't relate. however, i get your analogy." i frown and looked down in thought. "maybe the blood is doing the trick?" "blood?"

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