Finding Humanity Chapter 3

The laser weapons make ripples on the symbiote and cyu picks up the startled vixen and throws her towards to ship. trixi sees the edge of the door frame for a second before intense pain then nothing. cyu then extends her arm beam and fires it at a wolf.

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Disintegration: Chapter 6

"some kind of laser weapon shot down the first one we tried to launch. as for the rest? special forces rolled in to basically take them all after disassembling or destroying any they couldn't transport.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 1: The Orange Wings

Fox charged up his arwing's laser weapon and fired off a massive green beam that shot through the air and slammed into the back of a ship.

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Lifestyle Changes (A SynTech Story)

The golden bands around his wrists glowed a brilliant white as the stallion's arms continued to swing upwards, bringing the large, hip-fired laser weapon he'd hidden beneath a blanket.

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The Cage of Solat

She decided to destroy the opening field by her claws out of the lack of a proper laser weapon. she hit the field several times and her claws were bleeding already.

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A New Life: Chapter 0

The one on the left was taller than the other, and carried what looked to be some sort of laser weapon. the other was of average height, and carried a projectile weapon, she mused, judging by the clip protruding from the main body of the weapon.

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The Nature of Warfare

Irl, we can and have made directed energy (laser) weapons and railguns, but they are only just starting to be produced. on takomen, they are very commonplace.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 12

The shots from their laser weapons and cannons hitting the side of the old battered ship, sending sparks flying from the hull as it slowly rose into the air. "barnabus, you better start firing!"

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 135: What The World Needs Now

The brunette said poking his back with some hand held type of laser weapon. "um, yes ma'am who are you and why are you here?" the centaur said turning toward the blond female rebel who obviously was the leader. "yes why did you interrupt our movie?"

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Warrior's Blood, Chapter 17: Poached

"sounded more like a bullet-gun than a laser weapon... that's odd. didn't know you could still get the old kind of gun." "only illegally. tell sean; we might end up needing his help."

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