Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 2

"it's not just the magic potion, erika. you love having your dick stroked like this. you want me you guide you to another orgasm, the likes of which you have never felt before." "that's not true!" erika stammered, shaking her head.

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The Bandit, The Khajiit Wizard, The Mysterious Stranger and the Secret of Life. Aka The Journal of The Infamous Mad Cheese Cat of Skyrim

The potion was easy to brew, j'sker managed to retrieve his old alchemy equipment from the bandits storage and created a potent weakness to magic potion, too potent j'sker is sad to say.

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Turn defeat into victory

Deng, thank you for your wormhole and magic potion," eve said, there was a merry smile on her face. "i was able to fool them.""deng, our next target is sailor village," the snake devil ordered.

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A New Experience

She smiled a most horrifying smile as she grabbed a bottle with orange liquid off a shelf, fondling it lightly, "well if you haven't noticed, you are being held in a room filled with magical potions and i currently have no idea what any of them do,

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Hot And Bothered

Hearing of benji's frustrations, jen offered him a magic potion that would send lorain into heat- make her just as horny as he was.

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Meteorite Slime Friend 20

"the heads had asked me to test out some magical potions on you due to your modified body providing a great healing factor thanks to nova being able to change your body to any way he sees fit." "huh? what if i die?"

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Alchemist's Collab 2

The black cat was always eager to test new magical potions, of course, but tonight was gonna be a special one; she'd invited her friend lily over to "test" some particularly lewd, kink related ones together.

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Contraindications Part 2

There are no magic potions, no quick fixes. to get big, it takes hard work, and that's what he'd been doing at the gym for a year now. hard work, and it was paying off. matt felt his tongue loll slightly from his muzzle.

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Artifacts, Chapter 16, The Grimoire, Hee-haw!

But he was finally getting tired; even a mule could get worn out, magic potion or no magic potion. what was she, number thirty for the day??

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 19

Only the power fur rangers remembered the the evil emporer had put a magic potion in the water supply and that potion had tricked slash and ghoul into creating u.a.p.f.r. "you guys watching this? skyler asked as he joined lisa, terri, and brian.

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Between Winters, Part XVI

A clear victory for the alliance seems certain, but the taurs receive unexpected help from victor folchard, a human herbalist who provides the rebels with magic potions to protect them against the fire.

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 1

potion erika had consumed coursed through her body.

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