My Love of War, Part 2

#2 of my love of war my love of war, part 2 by surikat. (surprisingly, some of the historical events described here are actually loosely based on fact.)

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My Love of War, Part 1

#1 of my love of war my love of war, part 1. by surikat many things happened in that war, things that can change a person into shadows of themselves.

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My Love of War, Part 4

#4 of my love of war my love of war, part 4 by surikat it wasn't until the 27th of june when i finally realized i was alive; my midsection riffed with pain; there really is nothing like aching pain to make you feel alive.

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Morgam and Kyros - Breakfast with my Love

"all for you my love, all for you." as kyros began licking my penis, i couldn't help but gazing into the inquisitive orbs that stared up at me. a stupid smile formed on my lips and i couldn't help but feel happy to have him.

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My Love.....Lucario - A Working Title

Sorry about the dumb name. I haven't really thought of one for this story yet. I had to put something down so anyways... This is my very first public submission to any public website. I have my own website full of stories that's only...

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First Person Story with my Love.

I hugged him close, laying my head on his chest, the sun shining brightly as we lay in the park. He idly scratched behind my ears, smiling down at me. The sound of his heartbeat calmed me, and slowly lulled me towards sleep. I shifted upward, murring...

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Shau'i - Chapter 8 ½ – My Love

"i wouldn't mind either, my lovely kitty." shau'i's muzzle twitched into a faint smile before they both drifted off to sleep.

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My love, I love you

I placed my jacket on the couch and head to the kitchen to see if my lovely boyfriend was in there. "babe i'm home." when i walked in the kitchen no one was there. "where is he? today isn't going as planned." i thought to myself.


Chapter 35: Goodnight My Love

Seleste heard honiahaka whisper as he turned back to the fire ". . . my love.

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Make You Feel My Love

The spectral lights through the window glinted off the chrome wheel as it turned and swerved to the turn and motion of the vehicle. Little drops of rain made squiggly like motions on the wind panel as it rushed against the blowing air. A big sigh rang...

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