Trick and Treat: Part One.

Unfortunately i had placed my mirror on the same side as my bedside table and got a good look at myself. i rarely ever look at myself in the mirror and think "you're being an arsehole, pepper"; this was one of those rare moments.

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Hades and Philos: September

As i mournfully stewed in my loneliness, watching the mortal world through my mirror, a miraculous sight came before me. picking and gathering flowers in the luscious gardens of her mother stood a happy doe in a white dress.

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From Partners to Lovers

But then when i touched that false reflection on my mirror, i felt that same sensation on that respective part of my body that i touched in the reflection. but it seemed the more i fucked around with it, the weaker my mirror got.

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Roxy & Chica try Diapers | Chapter 2

As i walked around grabbing my clothes, i walked by my mirror, and i stopped to look at myself. i blushed. here i was, a grown adult hen, wearing a visibly used baby diaper diaper around my hips.

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Ch. 6 -- Trust

"there is also a stranger staring back at me from my mirror", she grumbled as she crossed her arms and pouted.

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The Sleep Over

When it was on her neck i guided her to my mirror and said, "you can open your eyes now." she slowly opened her eyes with curiosity wondering what she was about to see.

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First day (Chapter 1)

." ** later that night i looked myself over in my mirror and grinned at myself, flashing my gleaming white teeth.

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Olivia's Rebellious Year-Part 1-Birthday Presents

I stumbled over to my mirror, and that was a bit of a wake up call. i hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower. i liked to keep my fur clean and glossy, it was my bets feature. i was a dark cat, nearly black, with white paws and underbelly.

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Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast And His Monster

I checked myself in my mirror. i was a wolf (hell yeah) with light brown fur, piercing, attentive hazel eyes, clean gleaming fangs, with strong, lean muscle. i turned around and counted my spots along my shoulders. seventy-eight, last i checked.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 1

I just saw one flash by my mirror and i've got a silent alarm going off at that location. hot foot it to me." chance said tightly as he kept watch behind him. "be right there, don't do anything till i do!" jake said sharply as he clicked off.

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Rapid Rottie (2)

my mirror image just gives a gentle nod and so i stand aside to allow him to enter the house, once he is inside i use my right foot paw to shut the door, with the door shut jake does something that takes me back slightly, he begins to help me with getting

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 12: Risks

Through my mirror, i could see her trying to lean over an uneasy shadow. shadow's eyes flicked to my eyes in the mirror. whatever he saw in them, he held together better.

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