Newfound Purposes: Chapter 6

Character Summaries: Shaina (Shinx)- The protagonist. On her 18th birthday as the human male Shane, she was unexpectedly thrust into a world of Pokemon as a female Shinx. There are a lot of things about this world and her transformation that Shaina...

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 3

Chapter 3- Confrontations The roar of the busy city fills the streets as Shane cautiously steps into it. She can't help but feel somewhat small compared to the gigantic buildings on both sides of her (mostly in part to her new size), though the...

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Competition? The Sableye slowly floats through the dark cave, the morning sun just beginning to cast light into its entrance. The ghost Pokemon comes to a stop, sighs annoyedly, and drifts downwards, passing through the ground into a deep...

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 4

I had no purpose. today... i'm a female shinx named shaina. i've already saved two lives being in a rescue team. i've got a great partner who i know will always be here for me. i know i'll make a difference every day, one life at a time.

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 2

Chapter 2- Interactions "No! No! NO! This isn't happening! This can't be happening!" Shane shakily states in her new feminine voice, holding her head the best she can with her front paws. "There's just no way! I'm a male human! Not a female...

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Newfound Purposes: Chapter 1

Chapter 1- Changes Some time later, Shane is woken up by a bright light shining in his eyes. \<God, it's really bright outside... Why did I keep the shades open?\> Shane yawns groggily, opens his eyes, squints, and panics. \<W... wait a...

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Finding his purpose 2

I was surprised when Kaa woke me up. Not because I wasn't expecting to see him...after I had accepted my duty as his sex-cub, I knew that I would be with him until the end of my days. Not because I was wrapped up tightly in his coils - I had willingly...

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Winter Purposal. Chapter two.

"FREEDOM! " Andy held his arms up to the sky while his friends around him were laughing at him. " No more homework till we get back from Christmas!!" Andy grinned to his friends but soon let out a soft grunt then looked down to see Belle hugging him...

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Research Purposes Only 2

Warning: The following story contains adult content, consisting of a human and a crocodile engaging in sexual congress. Now, a few words before we get into it. Nieragon's Notes: This is a sequel.. so... I suggest your read the first before you read...

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[Chapter 12] A Sense of Purpose

**"Wha, what's that?" Tiffany wakes from her nap, the house phone was ringing. She walks out of her bedroom, still groggy from her nap and heads to the living room. She reaches out for the phone and slowly finds the button to answer. "Uh...hello?"...

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Greater Purpose and Greater Pleasure

Eliangria the Succubus strode through the hot Halls of the Damned, occasionally winking at a tormented soul overburdened with the weight of its iniquities. They would never look at her for more than an instant before returning to wailing and moaning...

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A New Purpose Part 8

I roused from the stupor I had fallen into while simultaneously tracking the goings on around me and gnawing over what to do about the growing hunger that I felt distantly in my elongated body. I opened my right eye to glance down at those who had...

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