New Beginnings Ch 21

She pulled out her device, but officer jenny gently stopped her. "i can't reach the officer jenny in rend either and so i don't want to cause a scene if something is indeed wrong over there."

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A Bond Beyond Time's Grasp.

"officer jenny, i don't think she's being truthful.

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 31: A Story to Tell

After a bit the two return and officer jenny shows up.

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Chapter 1: Love, Or Not

Then officer jenny walked in. "hello, my name is officer jenny. i herd you have information on the murder out in the woods a few miles from here?" i looked at angel. "you carried me that far? you really are an angel."

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Me and my best pal Serefina pt.3 the rocket elites

The phone rang twice before officer jennie pick up and say what's your emergency. i then say we have two people that tried robbing us of our pokemon. okay what's your location said officer jennie i'm right by the local pokecenter and pokemart i said.

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Chapter 1: A Vacation?

officer jenny said, hinting a small bit of surprise as blazie hugged me while salamence flew towards the grunts.

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Stones in the Pond - Chapter Five

When i was done and calmed, officer jenny strode outside and came back in shortly dragging a trussed and gagged tony.

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Pokemon Journey to another world Ch4

"um hello officer jenny my name is..." she cut me off right there raising her right hand. "i already know who you are and the name of your ralts there as well." as she pointed to jenavee on my shoulder. alright now i was worried.

My life with blaziken chapter 14

-shoutout to thealphafolf for giving me the idea to hook gordon up with officer jenny. -thermite was an idea from mirelock

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Just a Game? - Chapter 3

I knew right then that it was officer jenny and looked her straight in the face. "you nearly ran several people over with you bike there," officer jenny said to me.

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Baby Wanna Bottle

He stopped to read one, tore it down, and ran with it toward officer jenny's police station. he ran inside, panting and jumped up on the desk, shoving his "missing pokemon" picture in a dozing officer jenny's face. "huh, wha,...hey!

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Pokemon Domestic to Feral: Epilogue

They made slow progress forward even though officer jenny was calling for them to halt.

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