To make a dream real ch.1: the journey begins

"anyway this lucario's in pain, get some pain killers from the bag." leti handed him a pill. he turns to the lucario and says "hey i've got some pain killers for you take 'em and we can start." leti hands her a glass of water to take the pills with.

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Body Mods; The Wonders of Becoming a Rubber Wolf

killers being delivered" he watched a small ball roll down to meet his muzzle from a glass chute in the top of the machine he swallowed what he knew was a ball of sugar coated pain killers designed to last through whatever he was to endure.

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GOD DAN IT!, DAN (part 2 of 2)

I now see a i.v. drip hooked to his arm, it probably has some pain killer in it with the fluid. i say "bert..." he hums, i say "hey bert..." he hums again, i whisper into his ear "yo bert...

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Burdens - Chapter 119: Red

You have plenty of pain killers in your system so you don't feel a lot of it right now, but if you don't take those pills, you definitely will. just push the button if you need help or when you're done." he turned to leave without smiling back.

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Ryan the birth of my instincts

Several days past and i was so dopped up on pain killers i cant remember. moved couple more times after that got into several fights won some lost some. dad's health caught up to him and he lost his left leg.

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New Beginnings and dead ends 13 : "Stop the pain."

The doctor gave him a pain killer and an anesthetic to knock him out. it took a whole minute before he finaly shut his eyes, afterwards the doctor shooed us off where he could do the opperation.

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Oklahoma's Story Part 05

Gary was asleep from the pain killers. olivia was feeling a bit groggy was well, taking a quick scan of olivia the unit noted her pregnancy on the records and the wounds which told them assault.

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Crushed (Kreet - 63)

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* back at the baby dragon, sigmundurr was taking liberal doses of liquid pain killer while marge tried to keep him still in order to try and clean some of his wounds.

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Unexpected Mates PT 7

Gordon replied, "a vivisection on you, that means we cut you open alive and this time no pain killers. i want to hear you scream. first your kid's and then you.

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Meet your new trainer PT: 6

It was a powerful pain killer, then i picked him up. he was alert enough to ask, "why was mommy bald and in pain? then, she was blind and her skin looked sick. where is she?"

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The Visit

"have you taken those pain killers like i told you to?" the fox asked as the big elk looked down at him a bit shocked, as the little vulpine was all business now. "yes almost a half hour ago..."

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(un)Willing Part 2

Spent most of this morning od-ing on pain killers and water.' he raised his paper cup and grimaced, 'first coffee of the day.' 'i can't believe this.'

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