Personal Trainer 1 - An Unconventional Program

#1 of personal trainer first part of a pony play story i've been working at for a few months. it's not finished but maybe posting it in chapters will incentivize me. the first part is pretty straight and vanilla but that's going to change.

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Caged Pony

"Hey there, cutie." The anthro gryphon smirked at him, leaning casually over the rail of her porch, and he could _feel_ her gaze roving over him. Kerreth growled. Prior to being caged, nobody would have dared call him cute--well, maybe...

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Waking the House

The house had been remade a hundred different times over the last four centuries. It had been erected in the Garden District in a distinctly Spanish style that had been modified as times passed and the land around it started to be built upon and the...

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The Stallion and the Djinn

In the forge of the desert, beneath the glare of the sun and the unrelenting winds that sent sand to tear at the skin of those foolish enough to travel it, were small dots of peaceful isolation where green flora flourished and called out sweetly to...

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Breeding A Champion

"Are you absolutely certain Gitt A Little Sunshine was sold off? She was one of our most promising mares!" Elana looked down at the sheet of paper that Misty had brought to her mother, her eye brows up and furrowed in disbelief as she looked over the...

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An Agent's Work

[One-off short story I wrote the other night for someone on the fly. I don't usually go for RP logs as stories - but this was unilateral, and there's nothing wrong with using the present tense for a change. Naughty kinky porn follows, all mine!] ...

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Taking A Slave

Humans. Humans were always using the trade routes that had once belonged to their ancestors, but were no longer covered under any sort of treaty or protection. They had hammered out the original treaty hundreds of years ago, before the wars, before...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (4/10)

"but i know a few things about pony play too, so i'll run you through your paces. probably not what you expected when you came up here, huh?"

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Preview of Worgen Slave of a Cruel Grimtotem

In that boat, Lucille was once again strapped up so her legs were tethered, then weighted down so she couldn't even make the vessel rock. Something she earnestly considered, even though being dropped into the water in her restraints would lead to her...

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Bridled Enthusiasm

Warning, contains: m/m sex pony play bdsm /chastity con/dubcon my first plain pony play story, this one for amrapus and it ends on a wonderful cliffhanger that is just begging for a part 2!

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Lighting the Garden

A garden party, pony play and that he didn't want to know the method of death till it was happening.

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Personal Trainer 2 - Equestrian Sports

**Personal Trainer** Chapter 2 - Equestrian Sports After a good night's sleep and a pleasant breakfast Chris asked Toby and Parisa to come downstairs to the changing rooms. He told them to strip and come in for a little inspection. Miss Fendinsky...

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