First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (3/??) -- {Authority}

He knew that the kizus were notorious for being power hungry in the city, but to treat the citizens like these. "" "you don't need to worry about me, this is a normal thing.

Final Hope, Chapter 1: Abrupt Discoveries

These planets are dictated by power hungry beings. 'two: selana is massively rich in materials used for dt, daerk transportation... made by none other than an selanan named kala daerk.

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Raven Wolf - Origins - Shiya - Chapter 03

"serves you right wolf, for trusting the furless visitors that think themselves to be gods and your power hungry chieftain."

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A dangerous game.

Aaron-sama may have been my master, but he wasn't a power-hungry dictator like you! he wouldn't have allowed such lawlessness, chaos, despair, and terror upon his people. and he certainly didn't want to harm princess lin or anyone else.

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Celestial Memories, part 2

"aliza, consider what you've taken today a token of my appreciation to overthrow a power hungry government," he replied in a hushed voice.

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Chapter 2: Love and Understanding

In the end, though, the intimidation factor of power-hungry lobbiests opposed to such a union far outweighed any sort of benefit created. 'yet had it not been for her i wouldn't be alive today.

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Star Crossed

His replacement general sheer doverman was everything wrong with lylats military, authoritarian egotistical and power hungry.

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[Exa-Wolf] Dragonic Comeuppance: Epilogue

Instead of being a controlling, manipulative, narcissistic, power-hungry man he was now a man that relied on others for the development of his businesses, one who helped others in life, being humble instead of pretending, and spending time enjoying himself

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Origin of the Paradoxial Bear

The wild look about him brought a powerful hunger from deep in her loins, but it was his strangeness that raised her wrath. what was she to do? suddenly the man began stirring, she watched as he opened his eyes.

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Warriors Dawning Chpt 5

"also," leafstar continued, "i want to find out if winterclan is just power-hungry, or if they had more motivation." twigpaw was still slightly confused with the situation, but he understood most of it.

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Getting to know each other Pt.2 (End of Day 1)

"you're just a power hungry're no different than those who let themselves get controlled by chaos magic." as much as i disliked zerato now, i was somewhat glad to know that he was on our team and not against him. "watch your tounge!"

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A Change of Pace

Dante stood ahead of the wreckage and looked back, "these are nothing more than hunks of metal piloted by power hungry idiots! don't cower, fight! hit them hard and don't stop until nothing remains! we don't cower, we dominate!"

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