Small in size, Huge in Ego

I don't want the guild to get involved in our private affairs." it took a few hours for the sound of claws to accompany the thumping steps of his jackal.

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Night Terrors

My dreams are a private affair. look, i'll meet you up at the camby house, but i really don't feel comfortable discussing the intimate details with anyone right now. it's still too fresh... i'm glad i'm not the only one, but i just can't right now.

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To Dress a Pig

**chapter 1: private affairs** "oh! mpfh! deeper, garth! harder," she screamed, burying her face into the dirt beneath her paws. garth grunted and pinched his eyes tightly closed, more than happy and more than willing to oblige.

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The Black Road, Chapter 1 - Law

"hey relax, it's all part of the fun, this is a private affair and no need for the press outside to see anything." he reassured me. i did feel better with his hand on my shoulder. "tell me what you see." he asked me.

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Junior Year: Well That's Different...

Then they started asking about andy and sophie, so i told them that they were just innocently flirting, leaving out the kissing part, because that's more of a private affair. i came into school this morning, dreading econ.

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The Missing Son, Chapter 22

He walked to the ocelot, realizing he should have asked first if this was open to anyone or a private affair.

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Lord's Love

"in all the time you've known me, have i ever given you the impression i am concerned with their opinions about my private affairs?" "well, no... but..." "are you saying you don't want a life with me as badly as i want one with you?" "never..."

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The Cry of Sodom: Book II, Scroll V

It will hardly be a private affair. everyone will want to have their say on the matter." he met esther's eyes, the vulpine quietly drinking in every drop of information he offered.

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A Life Transformed

"those of us gathered here are to witness the joining of these two souls, a binding of two peoples and bloodlines," began the priest, looking at the three people in attendance, nothing unusually small, matings were usually small, private affairs.

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Around the world 4

"i told you i don't want to involve any government agency's in my private affairs." cameron snapped angrily as the twin's looked back and forth between the two of them.

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There IS More Then One Way

Feel free to do whatever you like in exchange for my thanks for allowing me to use your barn for my private affairs." "shoot! weren't nuthin."

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 3

"unicorn mating is hardly a private affair, christian. it is a natural part of life." celeste tilted her head, considering him. "you are so strange sometimes, christian. we had our first mating as stallion and mare before my parents.

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