Furthe'More 2014: They like me! They really like me!

Personally i blame: [global warming, sunspots, the inherent flaws of capitalism, nuclear proliferation, ninjas, dick cheney, continental drift, quantum entanglement, that little linux penguin, etc.]". (oh yes, little penguin, i'm onto you.)  

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 25

There was another pause while voph communicated with rhokki and then the lion said, "he says srythryn will also be carrying a zeth communicator that uses their hub-and-spoke quantum entanglement system.

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Playing Defense (A1, B10, C24)

"and if this moron doesn't tell us what we want to know, i'll quantum entangle my foot into his mouth." charlie looked up at karla with a disgusted expression. "he's sort of into that." karla looked at charlie and then back at the man on the floor.

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Anthropolgy I: Synchronization

Believe it or not, most people are scared to inject alien dna into their brain and hook their nervous system up to an experimental quantum-entanglement communications array.

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Chapter XV: Watch me Burn

The disc was, in actual fact, a _very_ old communications buoy designed to launch itself to locations and create a direct quantum entangled link from source to destination.

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Unfettered Access at Sibergon Labs: Arrival and Day One

For the next thirty minutes procene listened as cyprus explained everything from quantum entanglement to pocket dimensional rifts, but when it was boiled down to him what essentially had happened to him was they had projected a space into his plane of existence

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Isolation Space

I resented studying dark matter; the invisible fuel that fed the massive hyper-explosion used by our behemoth drives, ergo quantum entanglement was strictly above my pay-grade. "no doubt it has something to do with this." he added, narrowing my eyes.

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The Sinner and the Sorceress

It also has the weirdest yiff scene i've done, and i had a dude fuck his own quantum-entangled self. the sinner and the sorceress was super fun to write.

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Chapter II: Guilty Fuel

It's like a smartphone except has full three dimensional holographic capabilities, integrated music, movie and recording features, fifty terabytes of memory and high-speed quantum entangling internet connection." the _lupus_ just gave him a blank stare.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-7

However, since the_se'nika_had a transceiver that worked on the principle of quantum entanglement and tied to imperial command, and an imperial communicator ship had been working on establishing permanent communication channels between the mûr tua'ansa star

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-4

All those on the bridge of _nightwing_ exchanged surprised looks--the physics of quantum entanglement had been known for hundreds of years, but effective technology based upon it was still limited.

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