Going Where No Were has Gone Before

I like roller coaster rides. besides, what's the point in being special if you don't use it?" "there are other ways of getting things done." she laughed openly and heartily. "what? your way? or rey's way?

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Goathias Vignette

His dream world was full of nauseating, car-sickness-inducing scenes: paddling a small canoe through a stormy ocean, going on the world's most vomit-inducing roller coaster, and, to cap it all off, being stuck on top of the empire state building.

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Presto - Prologue

For the past couple of hours, he had forced himself to face the emotional roller-coaster that he'd ridden for the past two years - well, half his life actually, if he was fully honest - and to commit that confrontation to paper; a travelogue of sorts of the

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Fur real...

coaster out of control, only stopping when it hits the ground in this, there's relaxed thoughts for better places for now, i cherish however i can, sometimes smiling faces...

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Escape From Pleasure Island

The only truly scary ride on the whole island, the screaming orgasm was a roller coaster that rivaled some of the super coasters back on the mainland.

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Everyone Gives Chocolate Hearts

The naked vulpine cringed as his only-partially-roller-coaster-cured fear set in.

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Chapter 6-The Start of a Good Year

By the end of the day, i was a roller coaster fan, and i could not wait until i go to six flags again. when i got home, i went into my room and got ready for bed.

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Simple Warm Ups (December)

More happy with less chance of the gut busting roller coaster's bile smell to come breaking through the wafting aroma of fatty franks and gooey caramel corn. the carnival during the day however, ghost town dump heap.

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M&J Pt.7 Josh interlude

I swear it was like being on a roller-coaster always on a nose dive. the sex , the love , the conversation was enough to make me forget what i should have been anticipating. but seeing him in that hospital bed was a wake up call.

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The Abyss ~ (***an unfinished story*** see description)

I'm done with this endless roller coaster." my words come choked with a mixture of fear and hatred. a pair of furry arms encase my frozen chest.

Days Remembered

It wasn't as exciting as the roller coasters, but it meant more to him. there was something about taking a child out for ice cream that was so clichéd, but it was that way for a reason.

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