Over the Edge

What happened next was so much like the ubiquitous make-out scenes i'd seen in so many romantic comedies that i wondered if i truly was dreaming. we started kissing and could not stop.

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Diapered Desires

The fox chuckled and lewis put on a romantic comedy for the two of them to watch. the fox got to lay his head down on his partner's groin to watch, since he was still bound and wasn't allowed to position himself.

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Movie Night with Sheylyra

Shey and hir vixen were busy caressing and massaging the husky between them to take any note of the passing of the romantic comedy they had sat down to see.

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Movie Night

Shey and hir vixen were busy caressing and massaging the husky between them to take any note of the passing of the romantic comedy they had sat down to see.

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Tiger and Dog Love part 1

I like watching romantic comedies, and cuddling on the couch. i have a dominant personality, so i like being in charge, but i do value others opinions and feelings.

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Herdnan- Chapter Three

He pretended to be interested as she selected a cheesy looking romantic comedy. he pulled out one of his hundred dollar bills and slid it to the attendant. feirya curiously looked at cymaenie. he always seemed to have hundred dollar bills.

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An Invincible Summer Ch. 14 - Graceless

North had seen enough romantic comedies to know where this is going. if this wasn't going to help him win her over, nothing will. his plan for the evening was to lounge on the sofa with her, occasionally putting his arm around her for good measure.

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Things happen so fast it can become a blur

We can go with swordfighting first, or gunfights, if you want something lighter there are some good comedies, but then you'd have to choose between romantic comedy, slapstick, moe, or dark comedy, and then there are the sports anime and the..."

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Savannah Blues part 15

A romantic comedy. uh...crazy, stupid, love. i think thats still playing," he mumbled frowning a little before smiling as the hyena looked at him. "was suppose to be good. i wanted to see it but, well that does sound fun. when is it playing."

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Want To Get Our Freaky Kinky On?

All of them went to the movie theater to see a funny romantic comedy that had adam whiskler in it and they had a good time together watching it.

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Make A Woman Out Of Me

Spread out on a recliner by the couch, she tuned in to a mildly amusing romantic comedy. the youthful mare was approaching forty, but she looked no older than thirty.

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Daki and Nathaniel

Together, they scrolled through the romantic comedies until they come open something they could both agree upon. half an hour into the movie, the food had arrived. daki hadn't noticed that his head was resting on the bird's shoulder.

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