Phoenix - Chapter 5 - Sunday

"as the sister and the only remaining family of the subject at hand, i'm going to allow you to pursue a romantic relationship with robert.

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Persephone's Destiny

Firkle was a 32-year old shaman squirrel who had his daughter iora by female squirrel who he was never in a romantic relationship with, but only to continue the shaman squirrel line. his daughter iora considered murra to be her mother.

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Inner Dilemma | Part 3

It's like when you see a girl that you recognize is good looking, but you don't try to ask her out because you don't have the drive to start a romantic relationship. but i guarantee you that there are girls who would love to be with you."

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Furry Little Secret (ch.4)

Sasaskibe scrunched up his nose, "genryuusai yamamoto, in a romantic relationship? eeeew!" komamura laughed heartedly and came in to kiss sasaskibe deeply. saskibe let the kiss linger but broke it off shortly.

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Butterscotch

Butterscotch then looks to see that he's bonded in an x-frame position in some kind of bedroom designed for a romantic relationship, with a bed that's colored red and pillows that are shaped like hearts, and even candles being lifted from the table.

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wander ~ Chapter 1

Nobody really expects the romantic relationships you make here to last too long. "speaking of... how're you two doing? i mean, you haven't really - _mentioned_ her, so..." "that's exactly it."

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 21

That night, though, knowing that their vow could be the last, and their wishes to be true, they consummated their romantic relationship that night, each of them with pure intention to make the other happy.

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Addicted to Dad

Fine for a father and his twenty year old son who weren't in an incestuous sexual and romantic relationship with one another. but then, at the ass-end of two am on the fourth day of our holiday, i woke up and heard it. felt it. him huffing.

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Other Options - Part 4

Never in a million years did i think i would be saying those words in association with my own romantic relationship, but when talking about having mickey as a boyfriend, it sounded stupendous.

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King and Creed - Part 1 'First Cut'

From this point forward, the concept, promotion and/or participation in any non-traditional romantic relationship is against the law and is tantamount to treason.

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JBIAF: A Super-Load-Off!

One of their current guardians (penny with vincent, gwen with scott, (atomic) betty with slick the weasel, blossom with seth the otter, buttercup with the bull (his name is barry, btw), and bubbles with hamilton the horse), ended up within the "convenient-romantic-relationship-building-water-dome-of-romance-that-happens-to-house-no-other-guests-in-this-park

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