Lightning - 5 - Friends in Low Places

I've seen a lot of that, because my father wanted me to understand the world, and so he took me along whenever he went out to tend to his fucking trade connections." lane then took a swig. "and wouldn't you know it, one time, we went to caroy.

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Lightning - 5 - Friends in Low Places

I've seen a lot of that, because my father wanted me to understand the world, and so he took me along whenever he went out to tend to his fucking trade connections." lane then took a swig. "and wouldn't you know it, one time, we went to caroy.

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The Mob's Price 1

Not that hard, not that interesting, but they bring in the money from the sex trade. always good to keep up a good bit of fuck-stock down there. "but you, though. you're going to be part of the wedding program.

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The Devil May Care 15

Even if it wasn't part of the sex trade, just knowing that someone so close could have been hurt like that - so close? he blinked, realizing what he was thinking. he'd known peter for a while, yeah.

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An Invitation to Relaxation 1

They were a slap in the face to anyone that thought that the city needed to be proper, that it needed to be good and modern without the sex trade.

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Truth or Dare 9: Shot in the Dark

"slaves are used for all menial labor," deamos began, "such as picking up trash, grounds keeping, servants both in the traditional sense and . . . the sex trade."

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"the man scores two hat tricks in one game and they just fucking trade him. i have no idea what goes through people's heads. let me manage a team, i know how to keep a good player."

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The ISWA Semifinals, 2006

But where it's controversial is that the sex trade is a living trade, see? we don't fuck machines for money. so the whole point of having the judges make the calls is to keep the living element in the competition.

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Chapter 5. Slavers!

They usually take female slaves only and sell them for the sex trade. they add drugs to the food they feed the slaves that bring them into a state of heat, no matter where they are in their natural cycle.

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Casino Naja

But other groups were using the same routes and operators to move more dangerous cargo; slaves for the sex trade and terrorists were headed south, nuclear components, radioactive material and biological warfare stocks were moving north, and eventually overseas

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Silver Lining (Chapter 7)

. \> "you made me captain today, and i'm telling you to fucking trade. \>you nod, and she softens a little. \>you'd done your best to look like you were just being practical.

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The nightmare in the green.

She locked like most of the women there to be a sex trade worker she merely rolled her short skirt up to expose her genitals to the creatures attentive tentacles.

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