Chapter 9 Captured Game

Yes, for the girl's family it meant social status and respect, but for the girl herself, it meant embarrassment and the losing of something so precious and so pleasurable to . . . some old guy.

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51 Shades of Hay - Chapter Two -

"i know their social status - do you think me a fool young filly?" "no milord!" felicity squealed, as she dropped to her knees and hung her head. "i'd never presume - " "rise, please..."

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Crushing The Competition (Pilot)

This isn't exactly a new concept, but i really dig the idea of social status or power being directly tied to physical power -- so in this world, people who climb the corporate ladder become physically larger to mark their dominance.

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The Wedding

A few, those who felt compelled to dress up, sadly mostly members of her own family who felt overshadowed by the groom's social status, came up the stairs.

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Exposure - Chapter Eight

Given the man's obsession with social status, dox thought it very likely that he'd be asked about his, and dox's social status was pretty much non-existent. he had no girlfriend, went to no parties, wasn't on a sports team, or even in the band.

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My Immortal Smile

In truth he hated the whole social status system at his school for the way it segregated everyone.

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Interestingly enough, he was to a certain degree, an outcast, yet it was not because of his social status, there was no such thing as status among citizen-workers, for all were one in the same.

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The Musician's Writer [Chapter 4 (part 1)]

Although, this party could give the opportunity to not only get himself a "social status" amongst others, but maybe find a way to tell the tiger standing before him his true feelings, and perhaps... _"woah, too soon.

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The Dorsalmatrix

Each one a symbol of his social status and a symbol of his power. naturally, he'd taken all that off in her presence. now, the bull was dressed in something far more befitting his position.

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The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic

These woman want social status, and they will do whatever it takes to get it." "i never would have guessed ya were t'at sought after."

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Stranded - Day 1

But they caught on to how it was affecting me in terms of social status and they tried to remedy that by trying to give me a more normal life. it kind of backfired though when they decided to show up at open house wearing their nicest clothes."

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 6 Movie Night

My social status with these guys really made me feel comfortable around others. morrell was a bit cocky yet an easy going guy that gave me confidence about being myself.

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