A Night to Remember

I saw many make an attempt to not only amaze everyone, but to get that one special person to notice them. suddenly the music stopped. and that's when things got interesting for me. shortly after the music ended, i saw him.

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Luncheons & Dragons - Book 1 - Chapter 1 (Stuffing, F)

But koren had shared such a special, personal belonging. it would be a shame not use it. the queen plucked the gravy boat by its handle. she tipped it slightly, drizzling viscous, brown sauce onto the breasts. satisfied, she set the boat down.


The Last Dream - Chapter 1 / 2

A special person in her life. coming up from behind, he laid his hands over her eyes, making her squirm and blind. "calm down rose.." he whispers. "its just me.." he said with a deep voice, but it was so soft and loveable.

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[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt

"oh, every student needs special, personalized attention. we live in modern times. you can't expect students to just blindly follow orders nowadays. we have to teach them how to study and to engage their curiosity." yeah?

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So i have written this for a very special person who deserves it more than anyone for losing something that many of us take for granted, names have been changed for obvious reason,) requested by: modder ---------------------------------------------------

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Chapter 7 - Return of Bakujirou

"well you are a special person. speaking of which, you still can talk human???" sarah asked. "yeah, transforming into a charizard didn't actually take away my language capability." mark said. "well, it's been fun talking to you but i need to go..."


Chapter 6 - Undying Love

He had so much love to offer since the special person made him extremely happy so that there was no chance of sadness ever entering his life when ever that person is around. that person's name is bryce calloron a.k.a bryn.

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Two Worlds: Ammunition (10)

He loved damien, he knew that for fact, but how could he love someone when that special person wasn't allowed to love them back? it was ridiculous! _why should i think about that traitor when i could think about this?

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Unexpected Turn

"... a special person that i have grown to trust." i hugged him "i want to help you too... because you made me happier than i have ever been in my entire life. you compliment me but you love my attitude over my looks. and i ..." i paused "i what?"

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 24

It takes a special person to earn their respect and obedience... and whenever another pokemon can look a snivy and its evolutions in the eye without fear, it accepts that pokemon as its rival, no matter what that rivalry revolves.

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The Junker

I began my usual chore of scrubbing it head-to-tail with a special personal-touch. i didn't use a techo-cleaner. i used one of the ancient cleaning devices: a mop. it was a bit archaeic for this duty, but i felt it did the job better.

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squeaks story:

She asked softly squeak looked at her his eyes gentle and compassionate... " because your daddy loved you honey, and that you are a very special person." catnell started to choke up...

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