A Hard, Bruising Fall

And, lowering her voice, turning her attention back to konka, she said, "there can only be one chief engineer on a star-ship. i am," she stressed, "the chief engineer." "we have the same rank." "i am aware of that. but you report to me.


Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 19: Mirror Invasion Part 1

Well this is admiral boyce kline jr. of the imperial star ship pegasus. this world and soon a;; pf your territory will belong to the stellar empire.

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Legend of the Justicar Act 1/Part 3

Soon more and more of the hollow men star ships appeared over the city where an even greater number of their winged transports descended more of their undead into the populace.

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Assorted Naerian Histories

The previously missing star ships made an unexpected return - seventeen years later than they were expected to arrive. those two vessels, aonor and zixi, should be very well known to the readers of this paper.

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The Star Lancers Ep.1

Radio chatter filled the airways as docking crews tried to make sense of the comings and goings of star ships. one such ship nestled in the bottomless shadows, a white painted hull flashed in passing lights.

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CotJ II: The Last Stand Act 2 Part III

As the justicar's suit began to build power within his sword while the seer began teleporting both valor and draconian troops to the damaged star ship.

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Into the Horizon: Preparing for Battle

He had the complete support of a number of star ships who were loyal to him alone. i had hoped that i would have those ships at my disposal at some point, but that didn't seem likely right now.

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The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 1

"crew of the star ship star com one, to your duties" the crew hurriedly file out from the transporter room and head to their stations while the stallion approaches me.

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Long Jump

No one aboard is ‘just officers,' or ever is ... on any star-ship. our situation, therefore, is hardly unique. it is simply more pronounced." she really wasn't eating her own food.

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Meet the Black Stars; Var'Setta's Story

Tan'gar shook his head and entered the escape pod where he closed the entrance shut allowing for the c.s.a captain to safely escape his wrecked star ship.

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Planet of Lost Memories

Tf out i crossed the wreckage, the once mighty star ship now lying in pieces. i sighed as i saw the remains of my chair and that of my quarters. i looked for something. i gasped as i found it, something that maybe someone could remember from the ship.

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Pathologizing the Daxy

Also, they don't even have a defense grid around their occupied territories not to mention that they don't have the best star ship designs.

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