Gabriel and the Prince of Darkness (Part One)

That wouldn't have been an issue, but the skinny towel boy that jacob usually used as a sweat rag after practice was sick today, leaving the big guy to rinse himself off only to work up another sweat during the drive home.

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Making Up the Difference 2

A good sweat rag and a pretty good urinal too," nox surmised. a muffled sound came in response, seemingly agreeing with the sentiment. "i thought you would give me some trouble but you're just a little obedient kitty, aren't you?"

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Dragons for Christmas

Not the jerks that threw his books on the trash and used his test as a sweat rag, but the kind and friendly guys who showed him the way to his classes and ate lunch with him during his first weeks.

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[COMM] Lazy King

"having some trouble back there, sweat rag?" they laughed. he didn't respond, but those words certainly had an effect on him. the cleaners weren't meant to wash off or lick up the king's sweat, but it sounded like they wanted to use him for exactly that.

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Werewolf Wine

For all her wisdom and elegance, she still made for a fine sweat rag the weredog. irving mopped up the excess in that humid put with her pretty face and hair alike, soaking her right down to the skin in his potent canine musk.

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Tasting Shadows

Both of them used each other as sweat rags while they mashed each other's bodies close, grasping, gripping, grabbing, admiring with more and more enthusiasm by the moment. eventually, lilith managed to turn cherno around.

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Beacon of Desire

"you make such a _good_ sweat rag, collie boy. i wonder just how much of me you can soak up and still be called casey?" "i dunno," he mumbled, smiling blankly. "then we will simply have to find out for ourselves.

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The Best Kitty a Rat Can Ask For

Kat still wasn't fully undressed, but her top was more of a sweat rag by then. it was soaked through, rubbing a smear across the leopard's pretty spots, getting that fur all smeared and mussed.

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A Thief in Need

Instead, she just caught that sweat-rag out of the air and applied it to her face in one smooth motion.

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025 The Ranthuri's Lair

Furthermore, the last time her clothing was seen she'd just used it as a sweat-rag and tossed it aside, which means that they are now lugging a very heavy naked cat around with them.

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Dinner Is The Show

So he just nodded slowly, putting on a smug smirk despite the frazzled, dishevelled, musk-laden sweat rag he looked like at that point. as mean as collins was being to him, it wasn't making his dick any softer.

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King Rex

You'll make a good little sweat rag while i eat all these pathetic little mammals just sitting around here. maybe i'll even let you go if you worship me well enough."

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