A Girl named Lassy Ch. 7

Hope you all missed me, because this is the beggining of an entire new part! ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ alex whistled to himself as he showered in his own apartment for the first time in days.

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Light

Walking was much more difficult than i had actually thought in the beggining, it seemed like i tripped over every little pebble. each gust of wind was a hazard as well blowing me here and there.

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Midnight Corruption

„this... is only the beggining." the beast said in a deep voice, which made kaspian's knees go weak, giving the wolf a toothy grin. the werewolf placed his massive paw on the wolf's chest. kas felt a sharp, burning pain on that spot.

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Human boy to Elite Hero: Chapter 2

The engineer places its tentacles on both nipples of this female elite, and moves them around side to side, getting the elite into the beggining stages of its pleasure.

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Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~

~Prolouge~ A meadow, somewhere in eastern europe; December, 15, 2012. A loud and somewhat raspy, tired sounding feline voice, broke through the thick and hazy, dust cloud and shouted out,"Damn you, Jimmy. I swear on my mothers grave, you will...

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Freebird:Childhood: Chapter 3: New beggining..

I have not been in the mood to write anything lately, so here is a something short. nothing more. nothing less. if it makes no sense, then eh. Anyway, you know the drill, don't like it, deal with it. like it, leave a comment and maybe...

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Chapter 1 - The Flames of a New Beggining

SECTION 1 \> Lotra, Felpier Refugee Camp, Sarah's Aircraft When Hato and Tamashi attacked Lotra City a great deal of the city was levelled. A refugee camp for Felpiers was set up in one of the levelled grounds. An Aircraft stands out amongst the...

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Meeting of a Werewolf : The Beggining of a Normal Life

There's no real disclaimer If not that the characters are mines. Yiffy situations may appear between a human and a werewolf in this serie, but I am not sure yet, so stay tuned. ...

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Prolog - A New Family

DestinyCity was one very beautiful place. The first time the explorers put their feet in that land, they saw a very beautiful place, some place that seemed to welcome them in all of it's glory. It was almost like Destiny had kept that place only for...

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Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 3

The three friends took little time to find their group again and where warmly greeted by Speckman, and the tour went on. They passed by many more rooms, talking about more projects and future ambitious, and many of the students were greatly impressed,...

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Coming Out Pt. 1

In the beggining of grade ten i was nervous because that was the year i decided to tell my friends cause i knew i was gay for sure (well atleast bi). for the first week of school i tryed to tell one of my closest friends andy.

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