My first pokemon - the three citys and a mountain

We return to the hotel and get our belongings and ditto and leave heading for viridian city.

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The Pokemon Journey -- Team Xaos Attacks!

"i know you two, you were at viridian city and the poke mart at pewter city!" said mike. wyatt, the male goon, said, "indeed we were! and you are a credit to all humans in pokéland!" "how is that?" said mike through his teeth.

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Scuffle in Viridian City (Chapter 3 of my Pokemon Series)

He went back inside the hq of the viridian city branch of team rocket and got on the radio. he tuned the frequency to the number he memorized and pushed down on the button on the walkie. "executive james to executive jessica, over."

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Turning blue for you, part 1 [Lucario TFTG]

It was a warm summer evening in viridian city in the kanto region. the sky was clear, covered with countless stars, and a moon, which gave faint light to the world below.

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New Beginning: And You Thought You Started Out On the Wrong Foot

"attention residents of viridian city!" "yeow!" i covered my ears as best as possible to block out the loud noise of the loudspeakers posted throughout the city. "please go nowhere near the pokémon center!

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Family and Friends

A small house in viridian city had its lights on, and through the window a teen could be seen, surrounded by people. a cake was set on the table. "thanks for this mum, you shouldn't of," said the teen.

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Wish Come True (Gardevoir TF/TG)

Steven lived in the small viridian city. he was a large pokemon lover, and never sought to become a trainer, he didn't like the idea of them getting hurt.

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Trial with Fire, Chapter 3

Soon, we were looking down at the path that would take us out of pallet town to viridian city, neither wanting to be the first one to step out on to it. i looked at arre, ans smiled nervously. "together?" i offered. "sure."

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Prologue: The Cry of Legends

Prologue: the cry of legendsa young man walked down route 2 from viridian city to pallet town. it was mid-afternoon, the sun seemingly anchored above the western horizon.

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Final

viridian city, just down there is where i lost my virginity in both ways, and where i met night." "why don't you two head down there and fuck?

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Pokemon Adventure Chapter 1: Trainer Candidate

This story began at kanto region around the viridian city. a boy was born in sinnoh and raised in kanto, ready to embark on an epic journey to an unknown adventure or event that may occur to him...

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