Doomsday Dragon

Doomsday Dragon by Xenny Diemes Illustration by Marauder6272 It was August 10, in the summer of the year 2401. The battle of Memorial Woods has just begun and is about to become the final turning point of a war that stretched a century and...

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Chapter 5

Lost In The Mist © 2015 Sinclair Diavante Chapter 5. +30 days. I stared through the viewport nearest my rented dry-dock bay, watching an AMTB guide The Jefferson into her home for the next few months. AMTB's are like the forklifts of the sky,...

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Trainer Tales 1

_Yeah, I'm not subtitling the chapters of this story because I'm somewhat lazy (if the infrequent update to my previous stories hadn't given that away.) I have been having fun writing this one though as I am trying to focus more on the story and just...

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The Bridge Of Cologne prt. 2

Vandal trudged on, helping any of his Brothers and Sisters to their feet, handing them their weapons and urging them to fall back to the city, while he questioned them where his love was. Many had pointed him farther onto the bridge. Slowly he made...

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A hard day's work

It had been a tiring day for Mia. The red panda breathed a sigh of relief as she kicked off her shoes inside the door and leaned against the door frame, struggling a little with her socks. The cold of the tiles made her fur prickle slightly and she...

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Cheat Code

_Author's note: This story was inspired by a picture by BA (Battle Angel); it appears to be no longer available, however._ * * * Sonic closed the door behind him and leaned against it momentarily before he hung the small collection...

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A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 6.5: Cleanup

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Grovyle was the first to wake up of the three, his arms pinned to his sides by...

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09 - Plan B

"Listen, this is crazy," determined Stu, as we broke down the camp and made back towards the Jimmy. "We're letting Slick ruin our vacation, and really, the whole summer, just because of this one incident. Why don't we go across the interstate to Signal...

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Mr. Marvolo's Amazing Shrinking Solution

You could say that Jack wasn't your average, run-of-the-mill child. It could have been the fact that he was eighteen years old and wasn't interested in getting a girlfriend... or perhaps the fact that the prior statement was only true because it was...

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