New Plans

Kick them in the crotch, scream rape at the top of my lungs and bash the asshats face in the windshield. or maybe just let sisy tase em in the junk instead," the moose answered trying to hide the grin that threatened to burst onto her face.

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Gagging My Plans

"hey, asshat!" gag shouted at whatever was in there with both them and heinrick. "i know you're in here! how the fuck did you get on my ship?!"

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Chapter 33 – Dr Jekyll then run and hide.

Closest to having a boner those undead asshats could ever get at least. rain is looking over the wall of instruments, here's hoping he has a better clue than me. lawrence has turned his attention to a wall full of trinkets and ornaments.

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22 meltdown

She told me how your asshat... i mean dad, cut your vacation on the island short by three weeks. hell if you were going to stay on the island i can pull that shit off and let you two have a summer to remember.

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The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 20: Fox Hunt

"is this asshat bothering you, babe," he asked as he gave the doe goat a kiss on the cheek. "oh good!

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Out Of The Blue (Chapter16, Book8)

Your little buddy, pendleton or whatever you called him ... yeah, that asshat needs to die. he is officially your arch-nemesis." "...kay." "not very talkative huh?" "don't heal like you," conner said, his voice barely above a whisper.

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Jack's Tavern III

Besides, if it weren't for me, you might still be suffering with that asshat. "i'm not the only one in my field. but i am the only one that seems to care for the people i take control over. maybe it's because i was in your situation once."

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26 A New Opportunity

For now it's just more bit jobs doing pent testing for  asshats that  don't understand network security.""i see," the mare nodded in understanding.

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10 Reaching Out

[12:49] daisy: i'm glad to hear that you've made up your mind about what you want cecily, and i'm kind of proud of you for wanting to help others like you and my asshat brother.

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You are your suits would throw that away because some asshat in a lab coat said they'd made a new toy!? let us push- it's not safe, but it's a sure bet. what can send a message like tanks rolling down mainstreet?" hellock pleaded.

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Isolation-Excerpt 23-Two Friends

"get up stairs asshat", baron said shoving neal into the staircase, "move it." neal flashed his knives again and walked up stairs, baron walked over to me and grabbed me by the neck, lifting me clean off the ground.

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The Eighteenth

"sorry about that, the group was being a bunch of asshats, but enough about them." morgan pulled a folder out of jacket and opened it. "let's see. you love cats; you're gay, and used to be a human. i don't see any problems."

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