The Traveling Slave pt2

Smiles were a strange thing for Isiat. Not so much because he didn't feel good, but because a sincere and genuine smile was a peculiar and wonderful thing to come across. They were often unexpected, occurring under the most bizarre of circumstances,...

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Dancing Abroad (TDS Side #4)

Isiat shifted uncomfortably, sitting upright as his paws around his wrists where the manacles he'd been locked in for the last several weeks had begun to chaff. The fur there was noticeably shorter than the rest of his pelt, broken hairs snapped off...

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The Traveling Slave pt3

Onefiveninetwelveohfuckohfuckohfuck! To say that Shadi was in a panic might have been like saying that a tornado produced a pleasant breeze, or that a direct hit from a lightning strike would give one a light tingling sensation. She had long...

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I've no idea what to write. And it's bloody frustrating. Perhaps, it's made most frustrating because the drive to write is there, but the time and place and inspiration never seem to line up. When I am inspired and in the right place,...

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The Dragon and the Thief - Preview

The night was as still as the crisp chill in the air; Not a sound nor a peep disturbed the silence. The tall, rocky mountain stood sentinel over the deep valley before its mighty, imposing base, like a silent guardian, ever present in its immensity....

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Trust me; You'll love it...

Jordan ducked the first punch that was thrown at him, and managed to at least deflect the second one, his green scales glinting in the artificial sunlight. The third one caught him in the stomach at the same time as another of his assailants stuck him...

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How can one visit the facilities?

How can one visit the facilities? Put simply, one can't, unless one is either very well connected, influential, in the know, or wanted by the Royal Kyruku Intelligence Group. These methods may have varying levels of just how satisfying and...

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Friendly 'Competition'

Shadi growled fiercely, the feline lazing out over the couch, all but naked with her husband across the cushions from her, one of her large, padded feet shoving into his face, attempting to push his away from her as the amorous male attempted to...

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Where does everyone fit in Kyruku society?

Where does everyone fit in society? Everyone in Kyruku society is viewed as an important part of a vastly larger machine that is the ideal of working towards a united effort for the good of the empire as a greater whole. Is there any sort of classism...

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Life in the Facilities

Life in the Facilities For those Kyruku who do not venture to the surface to live their lives out above the ground, the facilities act as the primary home for the majority of citizens. The facilities are large, deep underground cities in themselves,...

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A brief history of Kyruku

A brief history of Kyruku Kyruku society's first contact with Earth came almost a century after the formal cessation of hostilities that marked the end of the Tel'vorsa wars, some time around 492 A.D. A Kyruku exploration probe passed through the...

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What are some Kyruku customs?

What are some Kyruku customs? Kyruku culture is as diverse as the stars are many, and there are many, many topics to cover in this section, as their customs can differ from place to place with startling rapidity. Let us toss a dart at the board and...

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