Moon Pooch

Moon Pooch Thursday Prompt~ Survivor 3-11-2010 Renee Hupp "That's my little girl in there," the tall raccoon spoke lowly to his wife, "and she is a survivor." "Of course she is love," the slightly shorter wolf lady said, putting a paw on...

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Better Than Usual

Razor copyrighted to BlackRazor ( Al other character copyrighted to Reian. This is a work of pure fiction as commissioned by BlackRazor and none of the events or characters can be attributed to real life...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs 2

Cytheria opened the door a crack, peering around it. She saw a canine with striking features. His fur was a similar dirty brown as her, but he had black patches, particularly on his tail and ears. She licked her muzzle as she looked him over, finally...

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Pleasure Hiker

Pleasure Hiker Reian 06/04/2010 A red 1975 El Camino was blazing down Interstate 80, the windows down and the FM radio playing just loud enough to be heard over the late late summer afternoon. Her body was accented with custom flames painted on in...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs 3

"Nope, not kidding you at all my love," Rogier said, taking another of the strawberries and offering it to her. "I have the book downstairs in my apartment." Cytheria nibbled on the strawberry from his paw, the throbbing beginning to stop. She felt...

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A pleasant awakening

A Pleasant Awakening Reian Carol was sleeping in the oversized bed she and her mate had bought six months ago. The petite framed, calico patterend cat dreamed soundly of her lover in their bed. They had just decided to move in together six months...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs 4

Cytheria awoke to the smell of bacon and pancakes. She sat up in bed, her dog nose working overtime to get more of that delicious smell. She hopped up out of her bed and walked past the mirror. She stopped for a second. Her breasts were down to a...

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The Nymph's Way of Doing Things

Random sumer weekends were always the best for going camping. The majority of people went camping during a holiday weekend or family reunions. Hit just the right weekend, though, and you could have the whole woods to yourself. That was exactly...

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Lynn's College Adventure 2

A few moments later, after much wandering around, she had found the right building. She certainly did not understand why all of these buildings needed to look the same! As she dashed to her class she thought she had felt a little bit more bouncing on...

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Lynn's College Adventures 1.

College. It is a pretty scary place when you arrive for the first time. Leading up to it you are anxious and excited, but then you arrive on your first day and you freeze. Lynn was no different. She arrived, her parents basically just dropping her off...

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Lynn's College Adventure 3

Jake picked Lynn up, putting the green dragon over his shoulder, and walked out of the elevator. She was still sobbing slightly, the thirteen floor ascension seeming to calm her down a little. He looked down the two halls and realized he had no idea...

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Mistress of Pleasure

Mistress of Pleasure Reian 8-23-2010 I stepped off the boat and took a deep breath of the air around me. There was still the strong tinge of ocean, but I could smell trees, flowers, and women. I looked around and there were certainly a lot...

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