Serving the Herd

The chieftain then cantered over to essa, who had pressed herself up against the doorway to the listening post.

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Lab Animal

My heart pattered like a mix-matched canter of a long lost drum corp. i purred to keep myself sane, to keep me aware of where i was, to comfort me. what was going to happen to me?

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Soft Flooring (1k words, grimdark)

It's location on the south side of town was ideal with a railway station near by and only a short canter to the really good shops. it suited her ecological ideals as well, being built on the remains of the old research labs.

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Meet Me at the Tower (Patreon Extreme)

A horse and rider soon appeared in the distance at a canter towards her position. she recognized her apprentice right away and a warm smile broke across her face.

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FR05: Where do you think you're going, sewer rat?

Rust's ears felt warm despite the cool breeze as the horses cantered down the road back to the camp. even with daylight becoming rapidly more scarce, it took much less time to return at the leisurely canter than to reach where they found the hunters.

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Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen

"well see ya -" i say as i mount my horse "tomorrow, i know" we set off at a canter. the pace of the horses makes it difficult to talk.

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A shitty day at the ranch

Mike yelped as the stallion started cantering away faster than he could grab the reins. as he hurried after the horse, he saw his favourite stallion mount one of the nearby mares - the sound of that hard shaft pushing deep into the waiting folds.

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09 - Tumble Weeds

No ponies spoke as they cantered uneasily through the dusty oblivion of the badlands. the stone pressed back up through their hooves and the ache off too much action throbbed every muscle and hung in every joint.

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Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Chapter One -

Whirling his gelding about, the sargent cruelly drove his boots into the horses' flanks and quickly cantered out of the farmstead.

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Black Ice

Marnie surged onwards without encouragement, flicking up her hooves in a ground covering canter as i snatched a lock of her main, heart thumping.

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I remember cantering a bucking horse through a misty forest and laughing out loud. but it was different when i got back on a horse after that break, that forced break.

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Nectar of the Gods

The prince was actually nosed aside by his mount, who cantered up to her...sniffed noses, then immediately circled back and mounted her.

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