Chapter Four

He tossed a pair of jeans at fraolith and hurried to the kitchen to grab a small snack of cheetos.

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"hello and welcome to the cheeto in speedos cast. i'm your host shams hunter and this week we have three very special guests. care to introduce yourselves?" "hi, i'm chase hunter, and i'm your host's dad."

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Failed Escape

And soon, that lump in his throat disappeared and fell into his stomach, most likely into a pile of half-digested cheetos. "little buddy? rudder?" jet called out nervously. or would it be called in?

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The Gift- A Gray Muzzle story

As jules went through the kitchen, stuffing water, cheetos, a sandwich into his day pack, he thought about the odd message. "who the heck is it?" he wondered. he began tossing the whole thing around in his mind. could it be him?

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The Gift a Gray Muzzle story

As jules went through the kitchen, stuffing water, cheetos, a sandwich into his day pack, he thought about the odd message. "who the heck is it?" he wondered. he began tossing the whole thing around in his mind. could it be him?

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Sophomore Year: The New Kids

During the summer, while everyone else laid around, stuffing their muzzles with cheetos and pop, i hit the weights. there is ninety days in summer, and each one of those days was spent getting bigger and stronger than the previous day.

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Day 43 8:04 AM 1/5/2023-Chapter 12-Mountian City Massacare

I just shrugged and pulled open a bag of puffy cheetos while i cooked the bacon and an eggs mre. in less than ten minutes, breakfast was done and raf and i sat down by the truck to eat. the eggs tasted like plastic bags, but the bacon was amazing.

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Priest Goes To A Party

The next night, we got ready to go, and i found his girl curled up on the couch, eating cheetos and watching tv. "hey, melody. you aren't coming?" i wasn't really prepared for her reaction.

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The Interview

His fur was a little greasy from skipping a shower- adam was naturally oily- and food crumbs dusted his lips and chin, cheeto dust covering his fingers. if it weren't for the rabbit's distinct jawline, most people wouldn't recognize him at all.

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Shadows Of Manhattan

I got thirsty after those two bags of cheetos, so i drank a liter of pop. and then i was still thirsty, so i had a glass of water, and **_oh_** -" he winced again, with pronounced discomfort. "cripes, don't explode!

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up

_in that sense, if you were to make an offer to...say, buck hopper (rabbit, g) or cheeto wolfote (wolfote, g), how much would you offer?

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Day 40 1:10 PM 1/4/2023-Chapter 11-A New Friend

After we'd eaten lunch, i let raf and jericho play for a while longer while i munched on a bag of puffy cheetos and tried to put a plan together.

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