Chapter 14

 â â â â â â â â â â the lady devimon gripped it's long clawed hand and grinned a bit showing the pointy teeth as the dark wisp on it's shoulder reflected her expression, â€i think it's time to start

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Digi-Gear Conversion

This place was never discovered by devimon when he reigned over file island. and it still wasn't discovered by the dark masters when they rearranged file island.

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Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel V Der Aufbruch

Aber es stellte sich als falle von devimon heraus.", sagte yamato. sie gingen in das haus hinein. innen sah es nicht viel mehr vertrauenserweckend aus. eine große halle mit einer breiten treppe, die nach oben führte, nahm sie in empfang.

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End Game - Chapter 6 - Resurrections

She had been here before to resurrect devimon, metaletemon, and puppetmon, but now she needed another type of help. she walked over to a counsel and whipped a disk from under her gloved paw. she picked up several disks while she was back on earth.

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End Game - Chapter 12 - Hell Has No Fury

"i didn't run off, devimon dragged me off remember?" lillymon just growled at him as she tightened her grip. tai tried to pull up on her wrist but he was starting to black out.

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Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #3 Final

Her soft ass facing the pillar just like the others, devimon smiled and produced a large thick candle that was burning on one end. she looked back at him. "wh...what are you going to do?"

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Leomon's Gym; WereGarurumon's Job

 gru nodded, recalling the time the digidestined posse had been at devimon's illusory hotel.

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End Game - Chapter 26 - Crest of Hate

He left her alone and went of with devimon, and because of him biyomon was gone forever. the crest drained her positive emotions leaving her rage behind. "are we angry now?" agumon asked mockingly.

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Digimon: Fusion ch.3.

„ice... devimon...?!" he looked at ryan, inspecting him. „youre the tamer...? wheres youre partner?!" the others heard the noise and stopped at the tents as they saw the big evil digimon. ryan got up and looked around.

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Chapter 63: Blast From The Future.

"that's where i took devimon's power to create chimeramon, the true source of dark and evil digimons." "and that's where we would probably find the x-virus." black responded. al, ken, andromon looked at him.

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Solipsism XIII

She'd been acting somewhat timid after the encounter and i'd figured it had to do with both of the ultimates being forms of devimon, like the icedevimon that had taken her down before.

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