Catholic Bitch: Foster Puppy

There was no one she'd rather spend time with than the foster puppy. but, then, he was no longer a foster! "we want to be his forever home," mr. sanderson explained to the lady from the church. "really? that's excellent. i _knew_he'd be a good fit.

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In Good Hands

foster set himself to working on the ball he'd already captured between his lips.

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A short story.. By Karter Demonica

;dad collapsing to the floor dead on the spot at only 2 years old... their foster//step mother had been taking to a different bedroom by 2 or 3 other masked men while screaming from our mother was heard before the utter silence...

A Brother's Love Ch. 01

Now he just had to figure a way to see if his foster-brother liked him the way jeremy liked michael.

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Astray - Week One

Just a cruel trick to get him into another foster home with, of all things, another fucking cheetah? what was this shit about "three weeks" anyway?

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fostered from hell 4/5

Nodding reya made her call finished her coke and waited by the window for her foster mother to pick her up. end of part 5


all for one -chapter 6

It was a little after six, and sall and his foster father and foster brother were all watching the news. mr. carson didn't look forward to much of anything besides watching the news at night. it was almost ritualistic.

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Hard Discipline in the Navy

"see you and your sore ass later, sweetcheeks," captain foster snorted.

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The Choice: Chapter Five Quentin

I thought about all those foster homes i had been in.

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Sophomore Year: Can't I Be Myself?

foster." my head shot up as a familiar voice rang in my ears, sending a wave of comfort throughout my body. standing in front of the car stood a jet black wolf with white tip ears and a white tip tail -ace. ms. foster looked at ace and smiled.

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Chapters, pt 1

By some strange twist of fate they managed to be assigned to the same foster parents. jack had later heard that siblings weren't usually kept together once they were accepted into the foster program but, somehow, it happened.

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Behind the Alley

When alice arrived to the foster home she was scared. she had no idea what to do.

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