King and Frost (commission)
The glaceon licked his lips and smiled deviously.
PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:6
glaceon suggested. shiro nodded and the two returned to the class. "zorua" glaceon called. "i want you to go with shiro from the treasure hunting team fortitude for the time being." she said.
Starting a fire on a heart shaped log
Summary: one domino sets off another, and another, and another - so how many dominoes can one glaceon knock over, while she's on heat?
Pokémon Battle Simulator
Tyrantrum, stomp on that glaceon!" the trainer girl reacted. "glaceon, use icy wind!" ethan was charging at full speed. the glaceon didn't have a chance.
Café Plaisir: Rain Flower Gets the Chair
The vaporeon blew a very rude raspberry at the glaceon. clarice snarled harder, "get. out. of, my, chair..!" she said with glacial firmness, a cold wind picking up around the glaceon.
My one true mate
Ash: "glaceon gal...glaceon!" ash jumped up in shock, he sounded and talked just like a glaceon. but that wasn't the worst of it, when he tried to stand he fell back onto his stomach.
A fight of two brothers
He took a deep breath, eyes focused on the glaceon, "i'm gonna live my own life now, ed... get out of here and tell 'em that."
Belly Up in a Gut
Oh, there were so many questions to ask, but for now the glaceon had work to do.
The Morning After
These are amazing," he complimented while eagerly fondling the glaceon's fat mommy milkers. "so freaking soft..." "mmnnn...
A Pokemon's Forbidden Love; ch. 2
Though her seemingly huge ears were comical, the glaceon's form was also incredibly beautiful.
Memoirs of a Glaceon Maid - Chapter 1
For all intents and purposes, i simply look like a glaceon more than anything else. that said, i was in fact born an eevee. that much is true. genetically i am still meant to be a glaceon. but...
Evolutionary desires pt 11
Flareon blushed, how could glaceon accuse her of being bi- her thoughts were interrupted when glaceon shoved part of her tail into flareon's sex, causing her to moan out. flareon sighed in defeat. "okay, i'll lay off."