Failed Containment - Chapter 22: Aftermath

As promised, the new chapter. This update is to answer your questions regarding loose ends from previous chapters, next update will feature our friends in the Protectorate and will finally reveal the fate of Marie as the Gladius Project falls into...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 20 - Are Your Eyes Open Yet?

"Is my hair straight?" asked a busty Siamese cat as she brushed a few strands of her one-hundred and thirty four dollar haircut from her face. Satisfied, she gave a nod and smiled. "Good."' The burly camera bull nodded as well, "You're on in five,...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 21 - Blackout Protocol

_Years before..._ A black van emblazoned with a red letter F rolled up to the monastery located in rural Rome in the dead of night. James Massey, a grey wolf, and Alan Carson, a white ram, exited the van. "I dunno, Jim." the ram said as he closed the...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 19- Experimentation

The clack of keys filled the surgical suite as a brown otter stood typing at a computer terminal. "Protein Synthesis Trial Pi-X-437 set to commence at..." Doctor Tepid looked up from the monitor and brushed a strand of her brown hair out of her...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 7: Authority Forty-Six X-Ray

"For the last time, LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Professor Hathaway screamed from the hospital bed she was chained to. A dozen people in white coats milled about several observatory stations in front of a large one-way mirror. "They said my bill was CLEAN!...

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Here Be Dragons

'that better than being grub! but monsters not think so how can be slaves then to beast?' 'winglizards be old as time. me been hearing we go be gurks and not grub.'

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Adipose City: Dinner Date

There was still one last place they wanted to stop by before they caught a movie at the red light theater, the big grub...

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Blue Valley Underground - Part 02 - Wormfood

Beetles, worms, grubs, spiders... "i am eating what gaia intended for me to eat," she replied, then glanced at the soldiers at the fire pit, "not...poison." "what are you doing, boy?"

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Naturally Engineered

"watcha doing with the grub's suit?" "i'm bringing it to my place so i can work on it on my spare time. she needed a hand with fixing it." frank chuckled.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Five

Although there were more pressing things to worry about right now, like the giant grub worm slithering determinedly after them, hissing, she had noticed it nevertheless.

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Foolishly Slugged

A huge bulge formed in the base of his grub like shaft, which heaved and throbbed, struggling to bring the heavy mass upwards. within it he could feel wiggling, and lots of it.

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Chapter 42: Wriggly...

The aboriginal man gave him a clap of approval on his shoulder, popping another witchetty grub in his mouth.

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