InterRealm - Chapter 1

The jet-black obelisks towered ominously in a well-hidden cavern, unknown to all but a pawful of geologists, land surveyors, and the random traveler hiking in the southeast corner of idaho...and of course, the evolved.

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The bounty collecting cowboy.

He was a lone wolf who had worn a deputy's badge in abilene, ridden shotgun for a stagecoach out of lordsburg, scouted for the army in the mcdowell mountains of arizona, and panned for gold in idaho.



"from your accent, i would've--" "idaho, sir. moscow, idaho: six thousand people, a train station, and the state university. i wrote for the newspaper, which is to say, i spent most of my day bored." "oh. what brought you to seattle?"

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Rafael Hayes joins the FBA

Born and raised in soda springs, idaho, this coyote, an only child, has never left this simple town of only 3000 people. and with a town as small as this is, everyone pretty much knows each other.

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Scamper's Reward

The young wolf reveled at getting the chance to do this job since class at idaho state had been canceled for the weekend due to the blizzard.

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I love you Kathryn

Flying j truck stop idaho organ border. reed goes into the station while an anthro male fox fills his fuel tank. "the anthro beings have been here for twenty years.

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Healing Love - Chapter 12

Your mom and dad are in new york, your brother's in idaho, your sister's in colorado, and your grandparents are traveling all over the world. as far as i can see, your family doesn't care to be near you."

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Untouchable: Chapter 21: Jealous remorse

My family, well my great grandparents were in the bbb," xander said, "over in north idaho.""wow so your parents left the breed?" paul asked."

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A foxes point of view.

I grew up in a small town on the wider part of idaho right to the left of the interstate. the town was quite empty, a graduating class if fourteen, including me. if you looked at me you'd see a slim, almost girlish fox.

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Shredded Water, Velvet Sky

White caps, normally seen on the massive waves of the pacific ocean, must have crossed both mountain and desert to reach this small lake in the hills of idaho.


"What's your name?"

[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection):49 am: "i'm really from idaho... what about you?" [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection):49 am: "really?

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