Tales of Airethe 8: A strange and sinister banquet
'If you've any appetite left,' Dakrom says, 'then let us go to dinner. I am certain that the lady shall be pleased to see you.' Alysa can only nod weakly as she holds onto his arm. It is clear to her now that she must recover her strength and run....
The Story of a Fox
Once upon a time, deep in the heart of a great forest, lived a fox. He was a normal fox, but he lived with wolves. Normal wolves, but they lived with a fox. The wolves were older, bigger, and stronger than the fox, so they controlled what the fox did....
The Kitchen He used to stand right here. I would sit like this next to him and play while he made and shaped the dough. At least that's what I'm told. My brother said he died in the defense of Belgrade while I was still very young, and though I...
Death... Is it truly the end?
Now, i wouldn't consider myself a poet, but yesterday i felt kind of... morbid yet tranquil, so i came up with this... this is for all of you who have gone and left this world...
Like Glass
Without intent his morbid, languid sketches grew critical artistic acclaim from local critics. acclaim brought about from unsettling night terrors.
Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 1
The walls were painted with an odd patchwork of a morbid-looking dark crimson and a light tan. i had seen that color before, but i couldn't remember where.
Virtual Dreams / Introduction: Technology of Tomorrow
Zerrex asked, looking morbidly from his oldest to his youngest daughter as the lizard fumbled at a strange device on his arm. "i mean, anyone could go in there... and you know i don't exactly get along that well with this kind of stuff..."
PokeNNN - Round 2
The infernape released the last cum cannon causing its mane of fire to light up and a huge waterfall of cum came under big pressure making royal a gigantic and morbid cumdumpster.
My Little Fantasy: Sephiroth is Magic!
The magestic mammal trembled, her wondrous wings twitching as the morbid man kept up the torrid oral tonguing. the divine ungulate savored the ex-soldier's materia-infused saliva as he snaked his slick taster throughout her yielding, moaning maw.
A Tying Experience (Scat, WS, Snuff)
It's surprising how many who wear an organic shell enjoy trying themselves out as meat, if just out of morbid curiousity. but morbid curiousity is what brought most everyone here, really.
The Volantis Corps-Ch2
_ i chuckle which feels weird considering our morbid surroundings. "can we get out of this tent?" i ask. "let's." he then goes from one bed to the next closing eyes and says something that makes me chuckle again. it was funny in a morbid way.
Combat Vignette 6
It was honestly a bit morbid at first. delivering a picture paid for with someone's life to their kin? but as i thought about it more and more, she obviously loved her sister, and she wouldn't do anything to harm or scare her, even in her final moments.