SFW Story - Vergu's Mineshaft

The latest readings showed oscillations between 39 and 74° celsius, all of this in the same day. " entering the atmosphere in 10 ... 9... 8 .. 7 .. 6 .. 5 ... 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..."

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Island Getaway

He shivered and moaned as he felt his cock breach into her throat as she began to oscillate back and forth. matt grabbed her hair in a fist encouraging her to go faster and she obliged.

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Zay the Katana

My stomach oscillated and i doubled over to throw up. my vomit ran down the stairs and mixed with the girls blood, making me heave once more.

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Skank Into Stink-Beast: Second Metamorphosis

Suddenly, she spotted a flash of movement through the trees, and a snapping of twigs brought her ears high over her vulpine skull; oscillating like radar dishes, tuning toward the direction of new quarry.

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071 Cythura Dreamings

The cythuress is dancing and oscillating with a peculiar rhythmic motion, obviously orchestrated based on some internal soundtrack that is being counter-mixed in real time with the actual steel-blade dance music.

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Forbidden for a Reason

As the tentacle in her cunt fucked her like a jackhammer, the one in her ass also started to oscillate as well, using much broader motions and effectively using its sap as a substitute lubricant.

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The Grey Room

But no movement is possible as master still has me pinned, while i oscillate between the despair of my brain and the desire of my hard helpless cock. my body, as usual, is betraying me once more.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 22

Mother nature wasn't in a forgiving mood as the oscillation pattern of the aircraft continued to increase. kyle dug his claws into the mattress in an attempt to keep himself from flying off the bed.

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Fox Hunt

Shivers ran up and down along her spine and oscillated through her tail as he felt her damp heat, arousal evident from the way she pushed back into his grasp, her seasonal need leaving her completely responsive to his bold fondling.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 2 - "A Job to Do"

They are small oscillations, but they are--" mugen rubbed his chin stubble. "what about m.e.? picking up any?" bubo puttered unceremoniously. "manifest energy levels are only at .03 percent. the outcome of such a reading is indeterminable."

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Mokus and his Dolphin

His hips began to move on their own as the current surged into him, then shot back into her, oscillating, scintillating, engulfing them. they moved as one creature with one mind. neither of them knew where they left off and the other began.

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Chapter Two

She might have wrapped a towel around her hips, but they kept sashaying, oscillating anyway, and the towel did nothing to hide her big, soft, jiggling tits, barely concealed by a bikini so skimpy it didn't bother with a pattern.

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