Terminology and Names

I believe i heard or read the name before, sub-consciously remembered it but consciously thought the term was one i invented, and went with it because i like the phonetic attributes. yeah, i'm weird as fuck, aren't i?

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Fatal Radiance - Chapter 5

"they have a lot of books, so i think i can try to explain you the phonetics of the letters and then how to form words from the phonetics."

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The Royal Apples - Part XII

I'm going to go over your entire oath and make a whole bunch of phonetic changes, though we will still have to work on the g's and the off's." there was a gentle knock on the door and it opened to reveal twilight's dragon assistant, spike.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 74

She looked at the phonetics. "a...aba...abate," she read again, this time correctly. "verb... to become less in amount or in...ten...city... in_ten_sity." her jaw began to clench.

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"The Thin Line," Part V

Its closest relative, in terms of language, is my own elfhame dialect, and even at that, i can only pick out the occasional words when someone sings it phonetically.

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Sorcha's Soliloquy

**Sorcha's Soliloquy Story and art by: DankeDonuts [https://dankedonuts.sofurry.com/](https://dankedonuts.sofurry.com/) Illustration features components created by SugarShepsky ...

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Into the Real World, Chapter 1

phonetic alphabet was the bain of his existance. it was one of those memorization things he hated doing in his academy classes.

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Pawford, Ch 7: Lost in Thought

I knew i wouldn't get to the bottom of things, and decided to see if i could at least banish a little of the storm cloud that hovered over the conversation by using my secret weapon: the phonetic pronunciation of his green name initials.

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Para-Imperium Setting Data

Anglic spelling is completely phonetic (funetik) with no silent letters or compound sounds.

The Crass Menagerie

Persona modified phonetically to reflect the idea behind the site. fur-sona." "then all of these people have animals for their totem animal?" "a bit. some stick with being human.

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Valentines' Creampuff

Pepe spoke the rare sentence that didn't need phonetic spelling. penelope sat down at the head of the bed, already purring. "a show on top of my gift, 'ow generous, pepe."

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Practical Guide to Summoning

I had paid someone a lot of money to give me a phonetic translation of this old language, i had spent weeks memorising every last syllable. it wasn't the translation or my memory that were bad though, my voice is not what you would call 'musical'.

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