The Grin Paws - Chapter 2: The Grin Revealed

The music played on and crisp's body was bounced in place as his paws shuffled and pranced in place merrily before gravitating toward the door, drawn toward the source of the music. 

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Cementing alliances...

Finishing up the paperwork that had piled up in his absence, the earl stood up slowly watching as krista pranced over towards him slowly.

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Romantic Dreamland - short poem

In these scenes we prance and play, under the moon's silver light. her eyes shine bright, like sequin roses. her dark fur reflects the silver, magnificent frost, in my eyes and heart.

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furry musical

We like to be silly, goofy, derpy dance, prance, and siiiinnggg. hey hey we're the furries come and take our paws..... we'll romp and stomp and swish our tails all day long.... come along and join the fun.


Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 4

Why they spin, caper, and prance?_ "wow kristoffer, i didn't know you were familiar with lullabies from the eastern fox tribes!

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A Poem- Nightmares

As i lay on my comfy bed i think of things inside my head video games and plushies i don't own prance inside my mind of which i want known though scary stuff fill me with dread i close my eyes and keep them tight hoping

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Stallion at Stud

Neck arched, i pranced and rocked back and forth, tail proudly high. who wouldn't want me? i tugged at the lead rope, eager to have her, and the two-legger mare slapped me smartly across the shoulder.

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A Night for Cats

And soon they began to purr and prance, perhaps performing some ancient dance; together they meowed with such jubilation, moving as one in this felidae congregation.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 1: The Grin Becomes Ye

The sensation was horrifically different...and this time crisps' emerald paws started to tap and shuffle as they began to dance along side the leprechaun as he pranced about, playing his fiddle.

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"Indulging The Feeling" - Story by Kaz

She giggled and pawed some dirt up at simba with a playful little growl, prancing around him in circles.

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At Swim Two Deer

Crystalline spring and take flight like hoof is wing ripples in water mean one thing as sky opens out in pink delight friends to splash, to play and sing circling one round other in merry dance then leave the cool, to meadow prance

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The Stallion and the Djinn

Her weight settled on the silk pad as he pranced backwards and gave his head a rough shake back and forth.

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