Anemone High Ch. 1 - Roommate

Cameron stared back at him as if he had suggested something entirely rediculous. the tiger gave a slow smirk. "didn't any of them ever do it back for you?" the fox remained silent, still watching the tiger in confusion.

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The Forgotten Experiment: A new home (finale)

And remember, even things that seem rediculous and impossible can be accomplished. for as long as your willing to put forth effort and take care into the matter, anything is possible. as long as you believe, you can achieve!"

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 2

. \*\*\*\*\* jessica and steve followed kyle, the werewolf trying hard not to laugh at the rediculous posture of his pack mate, who was laying on his stomache and propelling himself along with his hands as he sniffed the ground occassionally to keep them

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 3

That just seemed rediculous to me. i lay back down on the bed, and after a long while, there came a knock on the door. i sat up and said "come in." the green-clad collie dog opened the door. "well, i have some bad news for you."

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Hayato: Finding Freedom Part I

Abes chuckled and moved away, taking out a rather large, rediculous looking man-made gun he invented. "no way! see this thing? it's power structure comes from a gem someone gave me, a shot from this is strong enough to make anyone instantly lose!"

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Taking In a Stray

He looked rediculous walking over to me with my belt hanging from his collar. detaching it i searched for his name tag. no name tag but his collar was embroded. "duncan, huh? pretty swank threads there."

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Cabin Boy's Dream

It was rediculously easy to climb the ladder on the side of the dock silently, despite his bulk; after all, he was, or at least had been, a sailor, and climbing ladders and ropes was second nature, powerful orcan muscles making him virtually fly up it, kneeling

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Family Reunion

"he's rediculously undersized for a vaporeon! don't try to lie to me!" sandy raised a hand to her cheek where a red hand mark was forming. "ow." she said loudly as blueberry rushed to the side of his trainer. "back down, blueberry.

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USC Sonic Underground X series 3 finale review

So he took the most rediculous sprite he could find on mystical forest zone, and boom! instant tails doll ultimate form! this is why i love the show but detest the finale; this is the final battle were talking about!

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Chapter 11: Moving Forward (part 2)

"salia, if you ever perform any ceremony in that fashion again i will see to it that you die for risking another's life for your rediculous urges.

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Hextech's Latex Seed

The other man rose an eyebrow at baker's rather rediculous show of strength though the crowd seemed to grow more excited by it as there was a roar of excitement growing as the announcer grew louder and

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The white city

In truth the money we gained was rediculous so much so that he had funded the creation of a new univeral currency that saw quick adoption almost universe wide.

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