Halloween in Devout America

The revenant party and its leaders weren't stupid, however. they knew how much halloween played an important role in the american economy during autumn.

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A Past Untold (The Uncensored) Chapter 1: Kiryu

There were no missions or such that the guild revenant had been told of. not even the society had received anything. what an unusual time, normally, revenant would be up to their arms in tasks given by the society. but not this day...

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

The observance of inauguration day (sometimes referred to as the 'day of america's resurrection', or 'american resurrection day') as a national holiday began on january 20th, 1997, the day that the revenant party's

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Thanksgiving in Devout America

Whatever the case, such an occasion is honored to any other members of the revenant party who are included in the invitations. multiple attempts to take advantage of an occasion have been made by defiant cells, yet all unfortunately fail.

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Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 22

She's got the revenant project lead at hq now, and is about to start working him over." jack nodded and took a deep breath.

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Human boy to Elite Hero: Chapter 2

They escorted jacob out of the room, grabbing his bag and then out of the house where a revenant, 2 spectures, and 2 ghosts were waiting for them. jacob was forced into the passenger seat of the revenant, and a minor sat down at the driver seat.

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Shadows Chapter 2

'revenent: artificial biont gauranteed 100% mentally and physically accurate to the original. tear off at perforation to activate.'

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Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visitor.

revenant didn't tell you my side of a story about how i end up in the hospital, mr. mccloud." i waited for his answer or to be exact their answer.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twenty

Is the revenant the only reason he's here? was he actually sent to help me on my quest even if the prophesy said i would be the one to vanquish the revenant?"

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Old Home, Part 2

The coyote, he realized suddenly, sighting the telltale bullet wounds in the creature's exposed gut, even as one of the pallid-skinned revenants reached in and began tearing the creature's stomach open with its talon-like fingers.

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