The Witch

sabel and you have almost no detectable anomalies. captain ford, a little more. commander munro, more than that. at low levels, it's easy to repair... i think you and sabel began healing once you were back aboard. but may..." dave's ears flattened.

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sabel thorsen, chief of security, was a "contingency unit" meant to be activated in such an emergency. by the time they'd woken him up, accidentally, the_contingency_ was two centuries obsolete.

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The Wardrobe

The team was leon, sabel thorsen, and jack ford--the pilot was a good marksman, and stepped in to assist when needed.

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Behavior Unbecoming

He'd already sent a message to smith and sabel thorsen, telling them to begin preparing. mitch reported that they were being hailed again. "as i was saying," venga demagh continued, once she was able.

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Adventure One, Chapter Three.

Seni here saved sabel's life." gore recounted the tale. "what kind of act did you do?" ian asked. "acrobatics, element changes. i discovered a couple of skills doing that." "that's cool." ian was interested. "what about you, gore?"

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...and Curiouser

Commander, sabel says the shuttle will be kept in standby. he intends to remain here, in the event we need to depart quickly." "right. let's be off, then."

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Prophecies, Part II

Beltran will lead the negotiations--alone, with sabel thorsen as an escort.

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Dragon Ranch: Beating the Heat

"_black crested sabels and their prehensile tails... like a friggen spider monkey. though... i'd rather do a crestie than a spider monkey. dragons are at least attractive to looking creatures...

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Dragon Ranch: Ethan's Story

The creature was black crested sabel: a quiet, dark gray species of dragon with red eyes and redder wing membranes. their titular kertanized crest was more broader and sweeping on the males, almost dwarfing their knobby, dark gray horns.

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The Lion

The bulk of the work would probably be done by sabel thorsen, anyway, as someone explicitly designed to fight enemy marines.

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The Mission

And sabel was a bit... too excited. unfortunately, he'll probably get his chance soon enough--but not now, i think. so: who do you want to take with you?" \*\*\* "we should do something to celebrate."

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