The Forever War, Chapter One part ii

Lill, the only other black fox he had trained with, whom he had met in basic training, and met once again when captain ellie, who was the second person who would listen, had inducted him into her personal command after he had been hailed as the best sharpshooter

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Expedition: Before the Storm

Formally graduated from basic after the standard single year with black stripes in combat engineering and sharpshooting.

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Medical Release

A human was soon hit by the sharpshooting jackal and his trusty beam rifle, while yamon raised his carbine and dropped another marine in one shot.

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Black Hell Part 5

Luckily it had recharged from the encounter with the sharpshooters, so i fired two rounds at the verconian, one catching him in his shoulder as he screeched in pain, falling over.

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Fifteen Minutes (Neon City, Book 2): Chapter One

"they've surrounded the building, have sharpshooters in place, and all that shit. but they're reluctant to do more than try to negotiate, at least for the moment.

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Sex at First Sight

Time stopped, their eyes wide awake, their pupils aiming at each other with the accuracy of a sharpshooter. a gentle beat struck their chests, their mouths were slightly open with their lips looking fresh and wet from the drink.

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1 - The New Sarah Tryton

"where the hell are those sharpshooters?!??" barked the police captain through the radio. a blast of air took the police attention skyward as sarah fell to the earth with a crash, crushing the solid cement and marble bellow her.

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Silver Pines, Unusual Times

Ben finn, the best sharpshooter in the albion army, love." he said, adopting a prideful grin. she laughed softly, slipping her hands across his chest, finding the slices in his shirt and pushing her fingers into them.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1

Several other engagement victories were also credited to this sharpshooter. such a promising soldier would set a great example to the other soldiers; but redding has very little experience working with other soldiers.

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Crosshairs (unfinished story)

Cypher grabbed his rifle as he got out, still shocked at the kid's impressive display of sharpshooting. he readied the gun against the roof of the car, keeping the vehicle between him and both the limo and the mystery sniper as a means of protection.

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Future Vision: Chapter 4

"i can't tell you, but whatever these ship are, they are sharpshooters. they locked my probe and shot it before it could warp back to me. hell it was moving well over 1km a seconds mind you."

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Family Tradition V: Turian Calibrations

The sharpshooter stopped sucking wrex. "i'm no virgin, my teenage years made sure of that, but most adolescent turians are a bit tinier than you, grunt." "wanna give it a try?" "if you promise to take it slow and gentle."

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